114+1:dn9gm8gl GRAND MAL is a compilation of Elliott Smith studio recordings that do not appear on Elliott full-length albums. It was arranged by swee taddy.com member TheKeenGuy and was originally distributed as a 3-disc set in 2006. Since then, more rare recordings have been released or leaked, and many of the songs from the previous mix were featured on 2...(展开全部) 114+1:dn9gm8gl GRAND MAL is a compilation of Elliott Smith studio recordings that do not appear on Elliott full-length albums. It was arranged by swee taddy.com member TheKeenGuy and was originally distributed as a 3-disc set in 2006. Since then, more rare recordings have been released or leaked, and many of the songs from the previous mix were featured on 2007's NEW MOON. All of these tracks are already available from other sources in earlier generations. The intention for this mix was to craft the tracks into albums for the best listening experience possible, which includes modifying sound quality, adjusting volume, and eliminating dead air between tracks. Special thanks goes out to sweetaddy.com member Marabalos spending countless hours on this and doing an incredible job remastering many of the tracks, and thanks as well to the other sweetaddy members who helped out along the way. If you have any comments, questions or suggestions regarding this compilation, feel free to contact TheKeenGuy at the official Elliott Smith message board at www.sweetaddy.com. Some of these songs may be available commercially, in which case I encourage you to purchase them. Visit the Elliott Smith discography at www.somesongs.net to get an idea of what songs appear on what releases. Let's keep Elliott's legacy alive, keep buying and listening to his music, and do everything we can to make new fans out of friends, family, associates, strangers and enemies.
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Elliott Smith - Grand Mal (2011 version)
Disc 1 - Take a Fall (released non-album songs)
Miss Misery
Some Song
A Living Will
How to Take a Fall
The Enemy Is You
I Don't Think I'm Ever Gonna Figure It Out
I Can't Answer You Anymore
Division Day
No Name #6
Take a Fall (instrumental) (alternate outro to Happiness)
No Confidence Man
Thirteen (Big Star cover) (Lucky Three version)
Trouble (Cat Stevens cover)
Because (Beatles cover)
Figure 8 (Schoolhouse Rock cover)
Our Thing
Disc 2 - Buried Back Below (unreleased songs)
Place Pigalle
True Love (aka True Love Is a Rose)
From the Poisoned Well (aka From a Poison Well)
Suicide Machine
O So Slow
Mr. Goodmorning
Let抯 Turn the Record Over (aka Bonnie Brae)
Taking a Fall
Grand Mal
See You in Heaven
Dancing on the Highway
Disc 3 - In the Lost and Found (more unreleased songs)
Everything抯 Okay
Burned Out, Still Glowing (aka Now You Wanna Show Me How)
Crazy Fucker
Brand New Game
Instrumental #2 (Waltz)
No More
Splitzville (aka Splitsville)
I'll Be Back (Beatles cover)
Heatmiser - Revolution (Beatles cover)
No Life
Stained Glass Eyes
Sorry My Mistake (instrumental)
Disc 4 - Some Kind of Holiday (even more unreleased songs)
The Assassin or (Kill) Fuck
Like a Cop
Where I Get It From
She Won't Ever Look at Me
Shiva Opens Her Arms
I'm Gonna Get Crushed
A Murder of Crows - Coraliza
A Silver Chain (instrumental)
Heatmiser - Everybody Has It
Concrete Jungle (Bob Marley cover)
Stranger Than Fiction - The Machine
O So Slow (alternate version)
Melodic Noise
Disc 5 - Watch the Worlds Collide (Either/Or and XO alternate versions)
0 有用 tbc14 2012-02-05 21:32:00
❤ ❤ ❤
0 有用 冬菇猫 2011-12-25 23:34:37
0 有用 李香菜 2011-10-30 18:15:48
it's like you're coming back to life again. see you next year.
0 有用 July 2012-02-12 14:23:16
0 有用 铎奇 2012-10-18 11:10:13
this whole bunch stuff...you never really cared how ppl thought about your music didn't you? you just sang in your way, not pleasing anyone.
0 有用 冬菇猫 2011-12-25 23:34:37
0 有用 铎奇 2012-10-18 11:10:13
this whole bunch stuff...you never really cared how ppl thought about your music didn't you? you just sang in your way, not pleasing anyone.
0 有用 2: 45 AM 2015-12-16 10:55:07
<Needle In The Hay>的alternate version好戳T T
0 有用 July 2012-02-12 14:23:16
0 有用 天天 2011-12-26 18:12:24