Following up on his Timedance debut in 2019, Sydney based wunderkind Air Max ’97 signs his return in style with a double dose of hi-detail club warpers. Without sacrificing any of his grimy and sub-loaded tendencies, the New-Zealand born producer expands his intricate and futuristic palette further with his most trance-inducing production to date.
0 有用 wh1bby 2021-09-17 12:18:36
0 有用 Pablo 2021-09-18 23:52:41
8.1 第二首很不错,第一首有些无聊了
0 有用 D4 2021-09-17 16:05:20
什么是爷青结?那就是air max 97现在越来越techno了,三年前他最后一次来中国演出,给我整了一晚上techno set,莫大的失望
0 有用 wh1bby 2021-09-17 12:18:36
0 有用 Pablo 2021-09-18 23:52:41
8.1 第二首很不错,第一首有些无聊了
0 有用 D4 2021-09-17 16:05:20
什么是爷青结?那就是air max 97现在越来越techno了,三年前他最后一次来中国演出,给我整了一晚上techno set,莫大的失望