The Boy With No Name is the fifth studio album by the Scottish rock band Travis. The name of the album came about when lead singer Fran and his partner Nora were deciding on a name for their newly born son. During this time, Fran sent a photo of his son to friend by email and labelled the photo "The Boy With No Name". Fran revealed this on the The Chris Moyles Show duri...(展开全部) The Boy With No Name is the fifth studio album by the Scottish rock band Travis. The name of the album came about when lead singer Fran and his partner Nora were deciding on a name for their newly born son. During this time, Fran sent a photo of his son to friend by email and labelled the photo "The Boy With No Name". Fran revealed this on the The Chris Moyles Show during an interview.
原文出处: 在这个世界上有很多乐队能写出优美的旋律,有很多可爱的主唱,在几年之内有无数英伦乐队竞相发行新专辑,但是这张《The Boy With No Name》则足足让我们等了三年,就算Travis现在已经被淹没在新英伦的浪潮之...
一篇写给百步梯内刊的作业…… 显然我不知道应该如何给这篇文章写opening了,最近浪费很多学习时间也听了不少的碟,结果D盘bt文件夹里面的一张专辑始终没有被我扔进回收站。似乎他一直给我带来一些需要记录下的情怀——来自Travis07年全新专辑《The Boy With No Name》...
The man who, The boy with no name. 不知是巧合还是刻意,Travis新专辑的标题和1999年的《The Man Who》是何其的相似。也许是Travis在故意找寻一种对应,一种延续。青涩的《Good Feeling》之后,《The Man Who》让人看到了苏格兰式的清新淡雅似乎更适合他们。自那以...
Jean-Michel Basquiat*, Francois Truffaut* Robert Zimmerman* and de Niro* Paris, Texas* - end of the world* 涂鸦,新浪 民谣,电影 巴黎,德州,直到世界的尽头 New York, New York* good bye girl 纽约啊,纽约 再见了,女孩 And they meet on Bleecker Street* or th...
0 有用 狮子人 2007-10-01 16:41:52
0 有用 virgin 2009-12-01 21:05:43
记得《closer》 “I‘ll never leave you... Just need to get closer, closer, Lean on me now, Lean on me now, closer 。。。 :)。
1 有用 Pumpkinhead 2010-06-17 10:45:36
阴天 听Travis
0 有用 海棠一生 2007-07-16 14:31:13
6 有用 欢乐分裂 2012-10-13 11:21:23
在诸多英伦浪潮中,Travis 一直半红不紫,这张继续亦如是,不过旋律和嗓音真不错。
0 有用 Ou_inzaghi 2024-09-09 14:12:56 广西
0 有用 salllll 2025-03-26 00:01:13 山东
0 有用 菲菲te_765 2024-09-02 17:44:29 黑龙江
太空里游荡的无名男孩,Fran写给自己孩子的那首My Eyes很真挚动人。
0 有用 imayIooksad 2024-12-14 00:09:28 江苏
-. 激起了我的某种原始欲望
0 有用 在下毛毛雨 2025-03-17 22:49:51 四川