On Arco's 2002 debut the band were compared to the likes of Belle and Sebastian, Low, Red House Painters, Nick Drake, Mark Eitzel. Arco have continued ploughing their own sweet furrow in their own sweet time, and now, four years after Coming To Terms stole listeners' hearts (and breath) away, they release their second album - Restraint. Eleven more songs of desolation and con...(展开全部) On Arco's 2002 debut the band were compared to the likes of Belle and Sebastian, Low, Red House Painters, Nick Drake, Mark Eitzel. Arco have continued ploughing their own sweet furrow in their own sweet time, and now, four years after Coming To Terms stole listeners' hearts (and breath) away, they release their second album - Restraint. Eleven more songs of desolation and consolation, eleven more stars glittering in the firmament - and every note and every word with its own role to play in the unforgettable whole. Dreamy. 2004.
0 有用 傅善一 2012-05-10 15:33:47
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0 有用 Luffyjun 2014-07-13 16:45:51
0 有用 Paprika 2008-11-22 15:22:22
真是怀念虫子给我听《perfect world》的那一年
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Happy New Year
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