The Velvet Underground的5星乐评 (10)
When me and other friends of mine decided to quit the "wild life" of our 18-20 period and to calm the fuck down a bit, we passed an evening remembering all the funny and sad things alike that had happened in those 2 years, with this album playing on. It was...
你的pale blue eyes
bittersweet song which we can all related to Sometimes I feel so happy, Sometimes I feel so sad. But mostly you just make me mad. .Linger on, your pale blue eyes. 今天天气很凉,我心里面反复的回荡着这一首歌 Sometimes I feel so happy, Sometimes I feel so sa...
推荐一首歌儿 SET FREE — Thom&Beck 合唱版(有下载链接)
很久以前,因为喜欢Thom Yorke,无意中下载到了一首极其模糊的合唱歌曲,歌名是乱码,整首歌就只能听清一句歌词,——“I am set free”。也不知道找了什么魔,反复的听,就为了听Thom yorke把“I am set free”吼出来,那一刻有一种特别的感觉——似乎我就是风中不羁放纵爱自...
就在永夜:The Velvet Underground
地下丝绒拯救了一颗差点麻木的心。 我记得当我站在摇滚乐的门口之时,“地下丝绒”永远是最经典最具典范的标杆式乐队,那时候的我甚至连名作《The Velvet Underground & Nico》都未接触,却也会对着经典的大香蕉封面顶礼膜拜。真正的接触其实要在那之后的几个月,没日没夜...
try and understand