Highway 61 Revisited的5星乐评 (17)
【译】Like A Rolling Stone
歌曲名:Like A Rolling Stone 歌手名:Bob Dylan 专辑名:Highway 61 Revisited 发行年份:1965 Once upon a time you dressed so fine 曾几何时,你衣着光鲜 Threw the bums a dime in your prime, didn't you? 志得意满扔给乞丐们一毛钱,没错吧?/ People'd call, say, "B...
Review by Stephen Thomas Erlewine
Taking the first, electric side of Bringing It All Back Home to its logical conclusion, Bob Dylan hired a full rock & roll band, featuring guitarist Michael Bloomfield, for Highway 61 Revisited. Opening with the epic "Like a Rolling Stone," Highway 61 Revis...
翻译 Like A Rolling Stone
Once upon a time you dressed so fine 曾经你tmd穿的那样光鲜亮丽 Threw bums a dime in your prime, 带着傻逼一样的优越感扔给乞丐一些钱 didn't you? 是吧 People called said beware doll, you're bound to fall 人们跟你说,你个傻逼,你小心点,迟早你也会和他们差不多...
浅谈Ballad of a Thin Man
我的浅薄想法在这张成功的专辑面前显得软弱无力,它的成就和在现代音乐史上的地位以及曲风之丰富程度可能足够写一本书。所以我只想简单说说其中我最喜欢的Ballad of a Thin Man的歌词。我以"You have many contacts"为界限将歌词分为上下两个部分。 歌词的上半部分是在讲琼斯先...
By the rolling stones
Recorded in a staggering six days, Highway 61 Revisited – named after the road that runs from Bob Dylan 's home state of Minnesota down through the Mississippi Delta – is one of those albums that changed everything. In and of itself, "Like a Rolling Ston...
关于Desolation Row
我最喜欢的一首Dylan歌曲,优美的民谣旋律,卡夫卡式的超现实主义阴郁诗歌的完美结合。歌词中涉及的各种人物意象拼接以及隐晦的具体含义,堪比Amercian Pie。