Echoes: The Best of Pink Floyd的乐评 (11)

这是我买的第一张Pink Floyd的唱片
那个时侯,我跑遍了城市的所有音像店,都买不到《The Dark Side of Moon》, 每天只能靠听听这张精选集来感受平克弗洛伊德音乐的不可思议,一边听这那首《Echoes》,一边欣赏这张唱片的封面,然后浮想联翩,成为了那个时侯我最喜欢做的事情。

Being high?
It sounded awesome before i was going to sleep. The whole dream that day seemed really realistic and felt like a trip. It didn't sound that great during an actual high though. I thought infected mushroom and surprisingly, classical music was the gift from God.

迷幻中的Cash flow
When will I recover my sehnsucht from the childhood? Something at the corner of my eyes but never see it when i turn my head now

现在我认为听他们的音乐的人已经很少了,但他们的歌曲总能让人回味,而且是不忘!像墙上的另一块砖,comfortably numb 这些经典的曲目,听多少遍都不能腻!