O的乐评 (222)
[力荐]Damien Rice
爱尔兰创作歌手Damien Rice的童年时光是靠在Celbridge乡下钓鱼和作白日梦来打发的,绘画和写歌给以年轻的Rice深深的触动,逐渐显现的音乐爱好激励了他自组了乐队,强烈的独立摇滚基调,乐队更是在1997年和Polygram唱片公司签了一纸合约,有两首歌在爱尔兰电台的播出得到普遍好...
豆瓣说,喜欢Rialto的人会喜欢《0》这张专辑,应该也算是Trip-pop的一种吧,就是我所谓的旋律好听不嘈杂的英伦摇滚,Damien Rice用摇滚唱腔唱民谣。 Cheers Darlin'-- 开端,萨士风郁郁寡欢地哼唱着简单的主旋律。 开始有人唱了,声音不算好听甚至有点沙哑,淡定地唱着忧伤...
Shivers and Tears
Every time, I listen "The blower's daughter", like taking the bath in the heart,not any word, just shivers and tears...
You know the ocean is my heaven, then if you don't leave with me, what am I darling?
I remember the delicate raft that were made by the blower's daughter, Amie. It was back in Cannonball, near by a vilcano. Today the older chests leaves for the ocean, Eskimo will be in his mind. Drink a glass of cold water, look into the mirrow, ...