O的4星乐评 (43)
I can't take my mind off you
推荐第十首! The Blower's Daughter (男声) And so it is Just like you said it would be Life goes easy on me Most of the time 就是这样 就像你曾说过的一样 在大多数时候 我的人生就是如此(我的生命在我身边轻易溜走) And so it is The shorter story No l...
《Cold Water》---刘瑜
就像某一刻突然想吃某种东西一样,某一刻会突然想听某人的歌。那一刻,莫名的那一刻,突然就想起了张三。不能是王二,不能是李四,只能是张三的声音。 就像刚才,感觉自己又被命运狠狠地扇了一巴掌,捂着脸上那个红手印,火辣辣的感觉慢慢烧到全身,又慢慢地冷却下去。不想思...
cold water
O means begining and also ending. "The blower's daughter" in O has been kept in my mp4 for several months, but till recently I get to know its singer, an Irish folk singer. My favorite of this album is "cold water".Damien's husky voice pictures a fragil man...
cheers darlin
The man buys the woman a lot of drinks, "accidentally" misses the last bus hopes the two of them will hook up.. When he says "Oh no, how am I going to get home? I missed my bus. What are you going to do" she says "I'm actually just waiting for my boyfr...