他的乐评   · · ·  ( 12篇 )

Men's Needs, Women's Needs, Whatever

We Each Know Our Own Fate (附歌词翻译)

评论: Men's Needs, Women's Needs, Whatever 2021-01-07 21:05
(大学时写的) 正式开始放寒假那晚,我坐在回家的客车上,塞好耳机,点开The Cribs那首Be Safe,踏上归途。当时觉得,这歌名简直就是一个警醒,极适合在路上听。 其实此前我对The Cribs的了解,仅仅止步于Shoot ...(0回应)

Mannequin Pussy:17分钟的浪漫、焦虑与狂野

评论: Romantic 2016-11-09 15:44
原刊于我的公众号「不齿」(ID: Y-u-c-k-y) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 初时,Mannequin Pussy只有Marisa Dabice和Thanasi Paul二人,他们是孩提时便一起...(0回应)
The Crow


评论: The Crow 2015-10-17 18:02
“千万别看。”暗影轻声说, "Don't look don't look" the shadows breathe 耳语着叫我离开你, Whispering me away from you “别在夜里醒来看她安睡, "Don't wake at night to watch her sleep 你知道你会永远...(0回应)
Amar La Trama

La trama Y El Desenlace歌词翻译

评论: Amar La Trama 2015-08-19 18:43
Camino por Madrid en tu compañía, 与你漫步在马德里 Mi mano en tu cintura, 手搭在你腰上 Copiando a tu mano en la cintura mía. 就同你手搭在我腰上般 A paso lento, como bostezando, 徐徐走着,哈...(2回应)

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