
他的乐评   · · ·  ( 2篇 )

Crusaders in Nomine Domini

Crusaders in nomine domini

评论: Crusaders in Nomine Domini 2007-03-25 20:21
专集介绍: Estampie是法语。指十三到十四世纪流行于南欧的一种音乐形式,以器乐合奏为主,常用于舞蹈伴奏。 乐队Estampie却来自德国慕尼黑,80年代中期成立,活跃至今。足迹遍布音乐,史诗,舞台剧。是欧洲中...(2回应)
Life On The Murder Scene

只看了《The Ghost Of You》的mv

评论: Life On The Murder Scene 2007-03-05 01:28
The ghost of you I never, said I'd lie and wait forever If I did we'd be together now I can't always just forget her But she could try At the end of the world Or the last thing I see You are Never...(3回应)

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