豆瓣音乐标签: Technical-Death-Metal

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Nile - At The Gates Of Sethu
At The Gates Of Sethu

Nile / 2012-07-03 / Import / Audio CD / 摇滚

7.6 ( 168人评价 )

Gorod - Process of a New Decline
Process of a New Decline

Gorod / 2009-06-16 / 专辑 / CD / 摇滚

8.6 ( 97人评价 )

Gorguts - Erosion of Sanity
Erosion of Sanity

Gorguts / 2006-12-16 / 专辑 / CD / 摇滚

9.4 ( 212人评价 )

Necrophagist - Onset of Putrefaction
Onset of Putrefaction

Necrophagist / 2004-09-14 / 专辑 / CD / 摇滚

8.8 ( 154人评价 )

Defeated Sanity - Disposal of the Dead/Dharmata
Disposal of the Dead/Dharmata

Defeated Sanity / 2016-07-22 / 专辑 / Audio CD / 摇滚

9.2 ( 217人评价 )

Ulcerate - Everything Is Fire
Everything Is Fire 万物皆火

Ulcerate / 2009-04-07 / 专辑 / Audio CD / 摇滚

8.9 ( 177人评价 )

Spawn of Possession - Cabinet

Spawn of Possession / 2003-01-14 / 专辑 / CD / 摇滚

9.4 ( 143人评价 )

First Fragment - Dasein

First Fragment / 2016-05-19 / 专辑 / CD / 摇滚

9.3 ( 144人评价 )

Lykathea Aflame - Elvenefris

Lykathea Aflame / 2000-10-31 / 专辑 / CD / 摇滚

9.6 ( 267人评价 )

Born Of Osiris - Tomorrow We Die ∆live
Tomorrow We Die ∆live

Born Of Osiris / 2013-08-20 / 专辑 / CD / 摇滚

8.4 ( 371人评价 )

Revocation - Revocation

Revocation / 2013-08-06 / 专辑 / CD / 摇滚

8.3 ( 78人评价 )

The Faceless - Akeldama

The Faceless / 2006-11-14 / 专辑 / CD / 摇滚

8.1 ( 121人评价 )

Gorguts - From Wisdom to Hate
From Wisdom to Hate

Gorguts / 2001-03-06 / 专辑 / CD / 摇滚

8.7 ( 148人评价 )

Obscura - Cosmogenesis

Obscura / 2009-02-17 / 专辑 / Audio CD / 摇滚

8.7 ( 234人评价 )

Archspire - Bleed the Future
Bleed the Future

Archspire / 2021-10-29 / 专辑 / CD / 摇滚

8.4 ( 194人评价 )

Ulcerate - Stare into Death and Be Still
Stare into Death and Be Still

Ulcerate / 2020-04-24 / 专辑 / CD / 摇滚

8.5 ( 189人评价 )

Gorod - Leading Vision
Leading Vision

Gorod / 2007-10-23 / 专辑 / CD / 摇滚

8.8 ( 80人评价 )

Arsis - A Celebration of Guilt
A Celebration of Guilt

Arsis / 2004-03-30 / 专辑 / CD / 摇滚

9.0 ( 160人评价 )

Fleshgod Apocalypse - Labyrinth

Fleshgod Apocalypse / 2013-08-19 / 专辑 / Audio CD

8.2 ( 226人评价 )

Spawn of Possession - Noctambulant

Spawn of Possession / 2007-10-09 / 专辑 / CD / 摇滚

9.3 ( 179人评价 )
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