Own The Night的乐评 (7)

去年FOX的ACA颁奖礼上,LADY A给RASCAL FLATTS颁了个十周年奖,仿佛有点交接的仪式,让我这个流氓粉情何以堪...不过还是来说说乡村第一天团的新专辑。 说到这张专辑,大气磅礴的专封(怎么感觉和某华语天团的造型这么神似?)。当然,歌曲整体感觉很舒服,男女主唱挺和谐的。他们...

A Romantic Night to Remember
Formally dressed ,if they were a few years younger,we might think they are gettin' ready for prom. This album is like a romantic nigh through,consisting of romantic songs and hearbreaking ballads. Just a Kiss,the first single,meticulously written just like ...

爱上Lady Antebellum, 爱上乡村音乐,爱上恋爱的感觉
超喜欢Lady Antebellum的歌,恬静的country music,。 每当听歌的时候总会勾起恋爱里的那些小事,温馨而感伤~ 个人对Need you now这首歌很有感触,I'd rather be hurt than feel nothing at all~ Just a kiss 也是一首不错的歌,just kiss goodbye.