Exmilitary的乐评 (2)

Vinsom 2011-07-23 21:50:32

Full-length Lyrics

BEWARE I close my eyes and seize it I clench my fists and beat it I light my torch and burn it I am the beast I worship... And I know soon come my time For in mine void a pale horse burns But I fear not the time I'm taken Past the point of no retur...  (展开)
Yüe 2012-01-01 10:49:58


相对于其他类型的音乐,我不太爱听说唱,最主要原因是由于听不懂歌词,而且大部分说唱音乐节奏比较重复,基本上一个节奏走过场,中间过渡一段儿,过渡完之后借着说。听其他音乐不知道歌词也没关系,只要旋律能讲话,打动人心的就行。可是说唱不行,歌词是支撑它灵魂的骨架,不...  (展开)
