1. Debut
(Melanie Laurent)
Published by Warner Chappell Music France / Mely Productions
Recorded by Nick Wollage, Studios de la Seine (Paris)
Piano: Melanie Laurent
2. En t'attendant
(Melanie Laurent / Melanie Laurent - Olivier Coursier - Joel Shearer)
Published by Warner Chappel Music France / Mely Productions / Shearer Energy Music / Kid 74
Produced by Joel Shearer / Recorded by Zac Rae & Joel Shearer at the Bank, Hollywood Sound Recorders (Los Angeles) and Melanie's house (Paris)
Vocals: Melanie Laurent
Drums, Percussions: Josh Adams
Piano, Moog, Celeste, Keyboards, Wurlitzer, Tack Piano: Zac Rae
Violin: Sarah Nemtanu
Cello: Vyvienne Long
Trombone: Helgi Jonsson
Bass, Guitars: Joel Shearer
Gang Vocal: Damien Rice, Dominique Dauwe, Joel Shearer
3. Everything You're Not Supposed To Be (duet with Damien Rice)
(Melanie Laurent - Damien Rice / Damien Rice)
Published by Warner Chappell Music France / Mely Productions / Warner Chappell Music LTD
Recorded & Produced by Damien Rice at Damien's home studio (Ireland) and Melanie's house (Paris)
Co-produced by Melanie Laurent
Melanie's vocals recorded by Joel Shearer
Vocals, Backing Vocals: Melanie Laurent
Vocals, Backing Vocals, Guitars, Wurlitzer, Bass, Percussions, Wooden Flutes & Whistles: Damien Rice
Violin: Sarah Nemtanu
Group Backing Vocals: Sarah Nemtanu, Mark Lawlor, Ronja Holwerda
Backing Vocals: Julia Dubsky
4. Circus
(Melanie Laurent / Melanie Laurent - Olivier Coursier)
Published by Warner Chappell Music France / Mely Productions / Kid 74 / Shearer Energy Music
Produced & Arranged by Joel Shearer
Co-produced by Melanie Laurent
Recorded by Joel Shearer at Studio 9 (Los Angeles) and Melanie's house (Paris)
Vocals, Backing Vocals: Melanie Laurent
Drums: BLair Sinta
Keyboards, Optigan, Farfisa, Melodica, Accordian, Pump Organ: Peter Adams
Violin: Sarah Nemtanu
Cello: Vyvienne Long
Trombone: Helgi Jonsson
Glockenspiel, Vibes: Melanie Laurent
Guitars, Vibes, Glockenspiel, Dulcimer, Toy Piano: Joel Shearer
5. Kiss
(Melanie Laurent 7 Melanie Laurent - Joel Shearer)
Published by Warner Chappell Music France / Mely Productions / Shearer Energy Music
Produced by Joel Shearer
Recorded by Zac Rae & Joel Shearer at the Bank, Hollywood Sound Recorders (Los Angeles), Studio 9 (Los Angeles) and Melanie's house (Paris)
Vocals: Melanie Laurent
Drums, Percussions: Josh Adams
Piano, Electric Guitar, Tack Piano, Celeste: Zac Rae
Acoustic Guitar: Ashley Mendel
Violin: Sarah Nemtanu
Cello: Vyvienne Long
Background Vocals: Isabelle, Neeti Muhan, Melanie's friends
Guitars, Bass, Toy Piano, Effects, Ukelele, Background Vocals: Joel Shearer
6. Je Connais
(Melani Laurent / Melanie Laurent - Joel Shearer)
Published by Warner Chappell Music France / Mely Productions / Shearer Energy Music
Produced by Joel Shearer
Recorded by Joel Shearer & Zac Rae at the Bank, Hollywood Sound Recorders (Los Angeles) and Melanie's house (Paris)
Vocals: Melanie Laurent
Background Vocals: Neeti Muhan
Guitars, Bass, Drums, Percussions, Keyboards: Joel Shearer
Piano, Rhodes, Celeste, Tack Piano, Vibes, Keyboards: Zac Rae
7. Pardon
(Melanie Laurent / Damien Rice - Melanie Laurent)
Published by Warner Chappell Music France / Mely Productions / Warner Chappell Music LTD
Recorded & produced by Damien Rice in a cabin in Woodstock (NY) & at Damien0s home studio (Ireland)
Co-produced by Melanie Laurent
Co-production & Engineering by Yaron Fuchs at the Woodstock Sessions (NY)
Co-recording of Viola & Violin by Cora Venus Lunny (Ireland)
Vocals: Melanie Laurent
Backing Vocals, Guitars, Bass: Damien Rice
Drums: Robert 'Chicken' Burke
Cello: Vyvienne Long
Violin & Viola: Cora Venus Lunny
8. Insomnie
(Melanie Laurent / Melanie Laurent - Joel Shearer)
Published by Mely Productions / Warner Chappell Music France / Shearer Energy Music
Produced by Joel Shearer
Recorded by Zac Rae and Joel Shearer at the Bank, Hollywood Sound Recorders (Los Angeles) and Melanie's house (Paris)
Vocals: Melanie Laurent
Drums, Percussions: Josh Adams
Electric Bass, Double Bass: Joseph Karnes
Piano, Pump Organ, Marimba, Wurlitzer: Zac Rae
Violin: Sarah Nemtanu
Guitars, Keyboards, Effects: Joel Shearer
9. Il Fait Gris
(Melanie Laurent / Damien Rice - Melanie Laurent)
Published by Warner Chappell Music France / Mely Productions / Warner Chappell Music LTD
Recorded & Produced by Damien Rice at Damien's home studio (Ireland) and Melanie's house (Paris)
Co-produced by Melanie Laurent
Melanie's vocals recorded by Joel Shearer
Ambient Sounds (train & sea) recorded by Paul Finan
Vocals, Backing Vocals, Percussions: Melanie Laurent
Backing Vocals, Guitars, Bass, Percussions: Damien Rice
Violin & Viola: Cora Venus Lunny
Cello: Vyvienne Long
10. Uncomfortable (duet with Damien Rice)
(Melanie Laurent - Damien Rice / Melanie Laurent - Damien Rice)
Published by Warner Chappell Music France / Mely Productions / Warner Chappell Music LTD
Recorded & Produced by Damien Rice in a cabin in Woodstock (NY) & at Damien's home studio (Ireland)
Co-produced by Melanie Laurent
Co-production & Engineering by Yaron Fuchs at the Woodstock Sessions (NY)
Co-recording of drums by Paul Finan (Ireland)
Recording of Trombones by Helgi Jonsson (Iceland)
Vocals, Backing Vocals: Melanie Laurent & Damien Rice
Guitars, Bass, Percussions & Drums, Corridor Walking Steps: Damien Rice
'Breath' Sounds, Organ Noises & Acoustic Guitar for the loop: Robert 'Chicken' Burke
Rhodes, Wurlitzer, Keyboards: Adam Widoff
Violin & Viola: Cora Venus Lunny
Cello: Vyvienne Long
Drums: Paul Finan
Trombone: Helgi Jonsson
Birds Singing: Birds
11. Papa
(Melanie Laurent / Melanie Laurent - Damien Rice)
Published by Warner Chappell Music France / Mely Productions / Warner Chappell Music LTD
Recirded & Produced by Damien Rice at Damien's home studio (Ireland)
Co-produced by Melanie Laurent
Vocals: Melanie Laurent
Piano: Damien Rice
Violin: Cora Venus Lunny
Cello: Vyvienne Long
12. Fin
(Melanie Laurent)
Published by Warner Chappell Music France / Mely Productions
Recorded by Damien Rice at Damien's home studio (Ireland)
Piano: Melanie Laurent
All Tracks ℗ & © 2011 Mely Productions, under exclusice license to Atmospheriques,
except 3, 7, 9, 10, 11 ℗ & © 2011 Mely Productions / Damien Rice Music, under exclusice license to Atmospheriques.
Distribution Pias France.
All tracks mixes by Nick Wollage
except 3, 7, 9, 10, 11 mixed by Damien Rice & Nick Wollage at Studios De La Seine (Paris)
Mastered by Ray Staff at Air Studios (London)
Photos: Rodolphe Marconi
Artwork: Tangui Morin
Management: Luc Charles
A mes amours perdues qui m'ont tant inspirée
A mes amis fidèles qui m'ont toujours portée
A mes musiciens qui ont tout partagé
A tous ceux qui ont dit oui
quand je n'osais y croire
A mes joies, mes envies
Et à mon désespoir
A mes insomnies et mes rêves agités
A mes délires d'un soir
A ceux qui m'ont aimée
> 我来回应