Paper Flower 短评

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  • 0 amiko 2011-07-18 15:09:29


  • 0 𝙎𝙥𝙖𝙧𝙠𝙮 | ✟ 2013-02-20 03:03:40

    说实话没听出来时female vocal= =

  • 0 Yome 2011-08-01 13:41:50

    即使有出生和成長于龐大音樂世家和從小受到Janis Joplin的極大影響這樣的背景 這個來自澳洲的年輕歌手在音樂上的主見只能算是中規中矩 聲音上面有點Feist的感覺 但是缺少Feist那樣的鮮明個性 專輯中浮現著小小的落寞氣氛 歌曲的編排很有問題 屬於聽完就會被忘掉的類型

  • 0 atmosphere 2011-12-20 23:58:00

    Don't It Make You Think That We Should Be Together? 唱这支歌的时候, 声音好纤细哦!!

  • 0 L.E.T.O 2011-08-16 22:24:41

    推荐:Street Girls、Jealousy Does Funny Things to ME

  • 0 Josiah 2013-02-01 21:17:54

    Alanna Cherote comes from one of those large musical families that are rare to find these days. She is the eldest of 5 children and grew up

  • 0 raul 2012-03-26 08:54:16


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