题名出自培根诗句 "There is no excellent beauty that hath not some strangeness in the proportion." ——Seemingly built around patterns, symmetry and logic, Bach's music upon further exploration deviates constantly from the expected patterns, altering the rhythmic stress and creating something mysterious and unexpected.
2 有用 Scelsi 2022-02-13 14:17:36
巴赫的beauty哪儿strange了?为了噱头而噱头,垃圾... 但这弹得确实挺strange的
0 有用 [已注销] 2014-08-29 02:31:03
深夜走肾又走心 http://www.xiami.com/song/1770176104?spm=a1z1s.6928797.1561534521.66.1g9CYm
0 有用 may07 2012-02-29 13:29:15
0 有用 生活万岁F小二 2015-12-02 14:39:06
0 有用 ハシレハシレ 2013-03-12 12:08:56
虾米上听她的bwv1052还挺喜欢。 听了一圈,一直觉得还是男的比较适合弹巴赫,不过继朱晓玫之后又发现了一枚女将 加油~
1 有用 wangzhy 2017-05-17 07:04:07
签了 Sony Classical 后的第一张 选曲精彩 整体感舒适 虽然有人说 BWV 1056 手小了 23333
0 有用 金属宝贝 2012-05-06 23:50:37
0 有用 perceptor 2014-10-07 21:23:41
0 有用 慕卿 2020-08-16 01:58:16
题名出自培根诗句 "There is no excellent beauty that hath not some strangeness in the proportion." ——Seemingly built around patterns, symmetry and logic, Bach's music upon further exploration deviates constantly from the expected patterns, altering the rhythmic stress and creating something mysterious and unexpected.
0 有用 helensophie 2017-12-21 20:44:59
0 有用 Maximilian 2014-02-05 15:14:54
0 有用 HXCHOPIN 2020-09-29 08:20:34
BMV 1056 还不错。
0 有用 南京西路 2019-06-20 23:04:20
这个版本的No. 5 F Minor bwv 1056:II largo也非常不错
0 有用 千夜 2021-03-25 15:56:44
有点不习惯这个风格,不过1056:II. Largo很好...
0 有用 破轮儿荻丝 2021-02-18 11:22:04
0 有用 🔗Oyster 2018-06-27 12:13:09