Let England Shake的乐评 (11)

PJ Harvey < Let England Shake > 全碟歌词
1.Let England Shake The West's asleep. Let England shake, weighted down with silent dead. I fear our blood won't rise again. England's dancing days are done. Another day, Bobby, for you to come home & tell me indifference won. Smile, smile Bobby, with yo...

England's dancing days are done: DIS meets PJ Harvey
'England's dancing days are done' 'Drowned In Sound' 2011年1月'In Depth'专栏 evilgracula编译 Polly Jean Harvey20年杰出的音乐生涯恐令当下渴望一夜成名的年轻一代汗颜。41岁的她发表过8张风格迥异的唱片,各种大小音乐奖项提名,2001和2011年两度拿下水星奖,甚至担当...

Shake off all human bondage
It took me an interval of two years, a trip to the location mentioned in the album title and a bottle of whiskey to finally get through to "Let England Shake," PJ's latest Mercury-winning album. It reflected the dumbness that I have been incubating in the l...