James Blake的乐评 (8)

Jamie 2011-02-22 15:39:21

“另”一张当代的Another Green World

今年一月,Portishead创始人Geoff Barrow上Twitter向James Blake放冷枪。“这个十年将会因为Dubstep遇上酒吧歌手而被人们记住吗?”他问道,没有点到这位22岁的制作人的名字 —— 只是不料在那天早上,这名制作人就被BBC的2011年歌坛新星预测(Sound of 2011)所选中。在上个十...  (展开)
joshlim29 2011-02-21 18:26:53

James Blake < James Blake > 全碟歌词

1.Unluck Treated walls care for me When crossings call out one of three Only child take good care I wouldn't like you playing, falling there 2.The Wilhelm Scream I don't know about my dreams. I don't know about my dreamin anymore. All that I know ...  (展开)
风子 2011-12-31 18:15:04

令人惊艳 的Soul + Dubstep之声。

在电音界,当越来越多制作人不再只是在幕后制作音乐或担任DJ,而是跑到麦克风前亲声演唱,而且唱腔相当不俗,这多少是一件值得庆贺的事。英国电音新秀James Blake就是这样一位“声”艺双馨的制作人,从2009年开始(当时年仅20岁),他就以极具骚灵味的R&B采样为主的Dubstep风格...  (展开)
MeetMeinaMaze 2011-05-18 12:21:19

Pitchfork Review

9.0/10.0 【best new music】 by Grayson Currin, February 9, 2011 In January, Portishead founder Geoff Barrow took to Twitter to snip at James Blake. "Will this decade be remembered as the Dubstep meets pub singer years?" he asked, not naming the 22-year-old ...  (展开)
YoyoRan 2011-02-14 13:27:12

Wilhelms Scream

Be addicted to this song, and the lyric is so beautiful! __________ online: http://www.xiami.com/song/1769962844 __________ I don't know about my dreams I don't know about my dreamin anymore. All that I know is I'm fallin, fallin, fallin, fallin. Might as...  (展开)
麗麗醬² 2011-12-19 09:32:10


这是我第一次有意识的听的一张电子流派的专辑,感觉很不错呐~ 我先说明下呐,我对音乐是白痴。不知道具体音乐到底分多少流派,而且甚么爵士、蓝调、乡村、重金属、摇滚巴拉巴拉的,会让我本来不明朗的思绪更混乱。我是直接偶遇到神马音乐,感觉喜欢就听的人~ 听到这张专辑时...  (展开)
just 2011-01-12 20:10:04

No limit to your sound

得到主流媒体(BBC)和内部媒体的一致推荐相当难得,作为2011年最让人期待的处子砖,James Blake像Toro Y Moi一样,没有做出一张史诗级的masterpiece,专辑时间不长,更像是加长版EP,除了去年已经爆红的翻唱feist的limit to your love,其他歌曲够不成一定的势头。可是由...  (展开)

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