Stay的乐评 (2)

雨子 2010-11-23 23:20:58


My whole life waiting for the right time To tell you how I feel. Know I try to tell you that I need you. Here I am without you. I feel so lost but what can I do? 'Cause I know this love seems real But I don't know how to feel. We say goodbye in the pouring...  (展开)
*Tonny 2011-04-23 02:44:57

So Just Stay With Me

出聲喚你留下的勇氣也無,念起曾為愛情眉目改名換姓,记忆再茂盛今时今日言语却为何失效?小心計與哭鬧爭吵,任性至極也是為了讓你多在乎。偽裝是潛行,欺騙是退守,你攻我防愛情才能棋逢對手。堡壘建築再堅固也抵不過潮汐,你我引力失衡因而世界顛覆。大雨澆滅回憶,心臟在你...  (展开)
