The morning brings a mystery/The evening makes it history
how do you rate the morning sun
Who am I to rate the morning sun?
'Dont go wasting your time ,Cause there is no finish line.' 老男人的歌惆怅又励志
> 更多短评 8 条
> 5人在听
> 86人听过
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订阅关于Morning Sun的评论: feed: rss 2.0
0 有用 酱酱饭 2012-04-02 05:15:21
0 有用 Jenny 2012-06-02 23:46:14
The morning brings a mystery/The evening makes it history
0 有用 QAQ 2012-04-13 12:49:51
how do you rate the morning sun
0 有用 World Peace 2010-11-21 00:11:42
Who am I to rate the morning sun?
0 有用 lion 2012-07-11 15:59:58
'Dont go wasting your time ,Cause there is no finish line.' 老男人的歌惆怅又励志
0 有用 酱酱饭 2012-04-02 05:15:21
0 有用 lion 2012-07-11 15:59:58
'Dont go wasting your time ,Cause there is no finish line.' 老男人的歌惆怅又励志
0 有用 World Peace 2010-11-21 00:11:42
Who am I to rate the morning sun?
0 有用 QAQ 2012-04-13 12:49:51
how do you rate the morning sun
0 有用 Jenny 2012-06-02 23:46:14
The morning brings a mystery/The evening makes it history