Brahms: Symphony No. 4 / Fest- und Gedenkspruche; Beethoven; Bach; Gabrieli; Schutz的乐评 (2)

白色的蓝 2011-03-10 10:10:41

Giving Brahms a HIP Replacement

by Charles T. Downey | Wednesday, March 09, 2011 More worthwhile recordings continue to arrive from John Eliot Gardiner's "self-published" label Soli Deo Gloria, and not just Bach cantat...  (展开)
魔角之声 2011-03-22 18:20:48


窃以为,加迪纳这套勃拉姆斯系列中的翘楚,便是这张“勃四”。 首乐章弦乐的多处弱奏具有远空中寒星闪烁式的玲珑之美,而演奏长线条的乐句时,又如光亮的绸缎一般柔滑亮爽。听那第三乐章末段,小提琴组的锐利直如白刃断发,寒光闪闪,间不容发!可以说,加迪纳这个“第四”,...  (展开)

订阅Brahms: Symphony No. 4 / Fest- und Gedenkspruche; Beethoven; Bach; Gabrieli; Schutz的乐评