This Is Happening的乐评 (7)

抖抖抖S 2010-10-28 21:54:29


跟着节奏拍桌子什么的,我才不会告诉你呢 James Murphy我崇拜你,竟然能让我喜欢Billboard top 10的专辑  (展开)
Bingshu 2011-05-16 12:18:58

[演出报道]2011/3/30 LCD Soundsystem 纽约告别演出第3场

原载于无解网:  同为DFA旗下的Shit Robot作为当晚的暖场嘉宾,我由于没吃晚饭,便很悠闲地坐在两楼balcony的地板上,边啃热狗边听音效,压根连乐队成员长什么样都没看见……但据后来身边的歌迷说,LCD的keyboard加女声Nancy Whan...  (展开)
joshlim29 2010-07-05 13:46:20

LCD Soundsystem <This Is Happening> 全碟歌词

1. Dance Yrself Clean Walking up to me expecting Walking up to me Expecting words It happens all the time Present company accepted Present company Except the worst It happens every night Ah-ahh Present company Excluded every time Ah-ahh Present company ...  (展开)
三角橙子 2012-02-26 18:12:41

听Dance yrself clean是件体力活儿

能抖腿能跳舞能嚎叫能甩头的多功能好歌一首!!! 于是我把电脑音量开到最大,在家里鬼吼鬼叫起来。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。 总之是一张很欢乐的专辑啦~ Walking up to me expecting Walking up to me expecting words It happens all the time Present company a...  (展开)
rui 2023-08-02 14:54:21


For someone who hails from the very epitome of small-town America, James Murphy is extremely partial to a very English insult. Particularly when it's a self-deprecating one. Despite being labeled as a tragically hip super-producer - 'the Pharrell Williams o...  (展开)
just 2010-04-17 12:08:25


不要去听this is happening,这跟吸毒差不多,之后就杀不住了。不能说this is happening超过sound of silver,但用不负众望来形容this is happening也算是贬低它了。跟别人说100年后可能会有音乐机器之类的东西专门写歌,而现在James Murphy就是这样的机器,并且他的声...  (展开)
风子 2011-12-31 17:04:12

James Murphy甚至还是唱功了得的歌手。

如果不算为耐克与Ipod所作的那张在iTune上销售的项目唱片《45:33》,这张新作只是LCD Soundsystem的第3张专辑。其实,在2005年首张同名专辑名震天下之后,化名为LCD Soundsystem的James Murphy就没闲着,既是DISCO朋克界的教父,又是独立厂牌DFA的主脑之一。而这张LCD Soundsys...  (展开)

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