这砖听起来风格还没完成统一:比如Angel风格就很像peter green的单飞专辑同名曲In the Skies、而Come a Little Bit Closer跟Rumours时期没什么区别了。还有听Safe Harbour我以为我在听Dire Straits~ (对了,这阴间封面莫不成启发了Nick Cave?)
The proof that their formula has finally trapped them is the pitifulness of their attempts to escape--with string synthesizer,pedal steel,half-assed horns,and other catch-22s of the International Pop Music Community. Bob Welch sounds bored, which is certainly poetic justice,and even Christine McVie is less than perfect this time out.Their worst. B-
3 有用 MENG 2014-01-17 11:27:10
prove your love太好听
1 有用 蛋蛋 2022-12-28 11:19:43 上海
这砖听起来风格还没完成统一:比如Angel风格就很像peter green的单飞专辑同名曲In the Skies、而Come a Little Bit Closer跟Rumours时期没什么区别了。还有听Safe Harbour我以为我在听Dire Straits~ (对了,这阴间封面莫不成启发了Nick Cave?)
0 有用 阿晒 2021-12-13 23:16:58
0 有用 微子 2021-11-14 21:59:28
松散、幽暗而馥郁。Favorites: Prove your love/ Bad loser/ Born Enchanter(最后这首吉他和键盘互动太迷人)
0 有用 APOS 2014-06-28 15:52:13
意外中的好玩意。尤其喜欢Silver Heel和Bermuda Triangle
1 有用 𝘼𝙣𝙙𝙚𝙧🇺🇦 2022-12-06 10:02:59 湖南
应该是第一代Fleetwood Mac时期最棒的一张了吧……最近重新听是因为McVie的去世,便开始感慨这样温柔醇厚的声音已经不再存在于这个世界上了。
1 有用 Privateer 2023-02-07 01:22:06 新疆
Christine已经进化成白专及Rumours时期的水平了。Bob Welch的水平也变得很高,Prog,Soul,Jazz等元素都加了不少。 这张在Billboard的排名达到了70年以来最高的位置,要不是Bob Welch离队了,我们可能会看到一个类似于Steely Dan一样的Fleetwood Mac。 这张之后FM就一气冲天了。
0 有用 周青 2022-11-01 11:54:22 黑龙江
0 有用 Ocean Heaven 2024-03-26 21:02:57 广西
0 有用 dagger 2020-12-22 17:40:44
0 有用 吸吸(已被领养) 2021-12-27 00:35:16
born enchanter!!! angel!!!!
0 有用 Barrett 2021-03-10 22:34:45
0 有用 mimibuda 2016-11-27 19:48:22
0 有用 变成功了请喝彩 2021-12-21 19:25:21
0 有用 Ou_inzaghi 2024-07-30 10:14:24 广西
0 有用 R.Christgau 2022-01-01 23:49:49
The proof that their formula has finally trapped them is the pitifulness of their attempts to escape--with string synthesizer,pedal steel,half-assed horns,and other catch-22s of the International Pop Music Community. Bob Welch sounds bored, which is certainly poetic justice,and even Christine McVie is less than perfect this time out.Their worst. B-
0 有用 捂着喊不出来 2024-03-29 23:13:54 云南
0 有用 console 2022-07-07 15:30:26
0 有用 好喝到咩噗茶 2019-12-08 18:22:18
1 有用 审判内娱的神 2020-01-01 15:54:26