The Sellout的乐评 (12)
Let You Win
I think I know all about you Who you been Where you been What you been And I can’t decide on your rollercoaster ride or your merry-go-’round Take me ’round and ’round And I’m waiting while you’re breaking away And if I had to do it over’ I’d...
慵懒的唱腔 沙哑的嗓音 耐听的专辑
专辑中的《lately》和《let you win》很有感觉,尤其是后者。从歌曲的前奏开始就爱上了这首歌。macy这张专辑的唱腔较之刚出道前柔和了许多,更容易被大众所接受。不过我还是更喜欢她早期那首声嘶力竭的《i try》。不喜欢人的会说他的声音刺耳。喜欢她的人觉得她的声音绕梁三日...