“Very often now when a woman plays guitar they really try to be equal to men, so they’re just gonna practice so they sound like Jimmy Page. I think women have a certain sensibility that could make them approach guitar in a very, very different way, in a beautiful way.”
0 有用 zeïn 2011-09-06 10:31:13
不喜欢Lizzy Mercier Descloux后来的,这个还好。
0 有用 幼豸 2023-10-05 01:07:13 澳大利亚
4.5 没听懂 但是很迷人
0 有用 jiajian 2019-08-07 16:37:00
这张也太短了 我晕
0 有用 RizzySpot! 2024-08-23 17:50:24 江苏
“Very often now when a woman plays guitar they really try to be equal to men, so they’re just gonna practice so they sound like Jimmy Page. I think women have a certain sensibility that could make them approach guitar in a very, very different way, in a beautiful way.”