'C' Is For (Please Insert Sophomoric Genitalia Reference Here) 短评

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  • 0 神威太太 2009-11-16 10:06:38

    cover加一☆ 噗

  • 1 IVAN 2014-07-14 21:14:35

    The Humbling River是2012年变形金刚-塞伯坦陨落官方预告片背景音乐(Transformers: Fall of Cybertron ),

  • 0 donger 2011-12-15 16:07:22

    Puscifer 多棒啊这小感觉

  • 0 畑鹿惊 2023-10-22 08:51:57 美国

    这个封面也是。。暴走漫画水平。。仿佛能看到一个刚学会用office的自鸣得意的大叔,懒得吐槽了,不过非常好听。和上一张一样,无良国内音乐软件的曲目表把vagina mine直接吞了,这里的版本比原版好听。mjk的声音还是那么美

  • 0 AbsoluteliNot 2023-10-30 22:30:54 天津


  • 0 MooooGray 2019-09-27 00:13:49

    The humbling river

  • 0 oLazarus 2022-07-10 06:43:52

    Why can't I cross the river?

  • 0 Terinaovo 2020-10-30 21:20:21


  • 0 👀 2019-04-24 08:09:13

    Angel, angel, what have I done? I've face the quakes, the wind, the fire. I've conquered country, crown, and throne. Why can't I cross this river?

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