From Wikipedia The Listening is the first full-length album by Lights, following her self-titled 2008 EP. It will be released September 22, 2009 in Canada, and October 6, 2009 in the United States. The first single from the record, "Saviour", was released on the radio as a single in July 2009.
上大三的时候,与两位好友去看了Lights的lconcert,也是我在London看过的第一个concert。还记得瘦小的她却在台上唱出让人难忘的歌声!建议在海外的同学有机会一定要去看她live!Lights is absolute AMAZING, she is soooooo talented & her concert will below your mind away!!!
11月初拿到这张新专辑时实在没有任何期待,电音+加拿大,几乎让我又以为是一个把街头pop和disco转嫁过来的跟风之作。挑了听的第一首是drive my soul...较浅但是线条很强的声线,独具风格的旋律和小beat,仔细听能听出些trance的感觉。随即上网找资料,不由让我汗颜,来自加拿大...
一股清新的声线、帮我远离尘世的喧嚣 动人肺腑的歌词、让我饱尝等待的欢乐 扪心动气的旋律、使我知道什么是真正的音乐 How come I can never get to the right words? I need to convey Wish I could explain What I mean to say
0 有用 鸟叔 2010-01-10 12:59:43
0 有用 Yome 2011-01-05 21:56:16
4.5 大碟很不錯 集三Single的精華
0 有用 Sipoooo 2012-03-24 16:12:22
0 有用 skywang 2009-11-02 15:31:44
0 有用 藝. 2010-01-08 21:36:59
superficial pop
0 有用 撒旦的表妹 2015-04-15 18:42:05
0 有用 Summer 2016-03-27 09:43:31
0 有用 莫得感情 2014-01-30 18:53:01
0 有用 海带丝口感要脆 2013-11-24 03:46:23
0 有用 幻听 2019-03-01 16:18:35
就只喜欢the listening这一首……前奏让我感觉找到了小时候无聊对着瓶子吹气想吹出曲调的共鸣……简直一毛一样啊