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订阅关于In This Light & on This Evening的评论:
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0 有用 ryojazzz 2010-02-08 15:55:26
看咱们The Editors的电气时尚后朋。Chris的吉他依旧显眼,
0 有用 擒个兽 2009-11-23 13:23:42
0 有用 Demogorgon 2013-03-23 20:46:07
像Ian Curtis参与了NEW ORDER
0 有用 A 2009-10-02 21:52:23
1 有用 盖先生你好 2017-09-26 10:55:24
我靠。。。灾难 讲道理如果四专是三专都要好很多,这个实在是。。接受不来
0 有用 阿修恒 2021-05-20 23:08:44
Emotions / 171
0 有用 寂静猫WISEFAKE 2016-05-22 09:55:13
0 有用 Demogorgon 2013-03-23 20:46:07
像Ian Curtis参与了NEW ORDER
0 有用 终是年少记忆 2010-01-23 20:24:58
As an album, it is an imposing structure, a statement to their architectural skill. Beneath their grand design, however, Editors exists in a grey area, mistaking the half-light for night. They're not ... As an album, it is an imposing structure, a statement to their architectural skill. Beneath their grand design, however, Editors exists in a grey area, mistaking the half-light for night. They're not quite masters of darkness yet. [Nov 2009, p.105]--Q Magazine (展开)
0 有用 扶栏者Y 2012-09-22 09:54:53