Their second album, 'Riot On An Empty Street' picks up where 'Quiet Is The New Loud' left off. Recorded over the last six months in Bergen, with periodic visits from ex-patriot Erlend - Riot contains more complex arrangements tWith You', 'Know How,' 'Love Is No Big Truth' or first single 'Misread', every track sounds like an old friend coming home to you.
"It's...(展开全部) Their second album, 'Riot On An Empty Street' picks up where 'Quiet Is The New Loud' left off. Recorded over the last six months in Bergen, with periodic visits from ex-patriot Erlend - Riot contains more complex arrangements tWith You', 'Know How,' 'Love Is No Big Truth' or first single 'Misread', every track sounds like an old friend coming home to you.
"It's quite style schizophrenic," adds Eirik "We're each inspired by different things so it can be a little confusing, but that seems to be a modern phenomenon, people don't know what genre to put themselves in."
"I'm looking forward to everyone saying it's not as good as the first album," laughs Erlend, "It's funny because two of the songs are from 1998, so it's us, covering us from five years ago," he adds.
The Kings were joined in the studio by hotly tipped Canadian songstress Feist, who appears on two of the albums twelve tracks, the bossa-fuelled 'Know How' where she assists Eirik, and the album's closing track 'The Build Up'- where she duets with Erlend in what is one of the Kings' most stark and beautifully emotive tracks, a rare moment captured in time. Both were big fans of her much-fabled "Red Demos" and she melds perfectly amidst them, bringing an air of added suspense and emotion and of course her majestic voice. "Her voice is amazing", gushes Erlend, "I'm very proud of the 'Build Up', for the first time ever we managed to do something spontaneous, Feist wrote the words an hour before she sung them, and it doesn't sound like anything else we've ever done."
So there you have it. Kings Of Convenience - 2004. A therapist and a superstar singing DJ, an odd couple, but still the best (old) new acoustic band in the world. 'Riot On An Empty Street,' forms their very own republic of two, principality of Eirik and Erlend. A great place to visit again and again.
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Cayman Islands
Stay Out of Trouble
Know How - Feist, Kings of Convenience
Sorry or Please
Love Is No Big Truth
I'd Rather Dance With You
Live Long
Surprise Ice
Gold in the Air of Summer
Build-Up - Feist, Kings of Convenience, Kings of Convenience
0 有用 TT-YY 2012-07-13 09:29:20
0 有用 Jellyfish 2014-05-21 14:54:02
places look the same,but we're the only diffrence
0 有用 水鯋菂 2010-12-17 22:06:42
Stay out of trouble
0 有用 _L. 2014-11-13 20:06:22
0 有用 兔子哭了 2017-04-01 23:46:06
好听的民谣 很久没听到了 不落俗套
0 有用 半碗馄饨 2020-08-01 09:18:09
0 有用 翻肚鱼 2012-10-11 21:56:37
0 有用 渡边小麻 2020-11-28 17:59:15
整张专都很好听 有一种淡淡的忧伤 听完会很平静
0 有用 伊瓦 2014-11-12 09:52:58
0 有用 还我妈生拍 2024-12-09 17:58:12 河南