楊秋悅文學博士,一九七五年出生於中國江蘇省鎮江市。 自幼受家庭熏染學習中國傳統音樂,十歲與古琴結緣,拜梅庵派古琴家劉景韶、劉善教先生爲師。 十三歲隨廣 陵派古琴家梅曰強先生習琴,打下了堅實的中國傳統琴樂演奏基礎。 1990年以優異的成績考入中國音樂學院附中就讀古琴演奏專業。 2004年9月獲中央音樂學院音樂學博士學位。 在音樂學院學習期間受到劉麗、李祥霆等先生的指導,曾榮獲“華東六省一市少兒民樂匯演”一等獎; “江蘇省青少年民樂比賽”二等 獎;“92’杭州古琴國際邀請賽”優秀獎(一等獎)。 2002年,應新加坡華樂樂團的邀請,參加“2002年新加坡國際音樂節”,擔任《琴韻》、《太極與 boxing》古琴獨奏。 楊秋悅現供職於中央音樂學院,她的演奏融彙梅庵、廣陵兩派之長,運指細膩,風格寧靜、古樸。 YANG Chun-wei Born in 1973 in Beijing, YANG Chun-wei grew up in Zhenjiang, Jiangsu province. She began studying the Qin at the age of twelve. Since then, her teachers and mentors have included such Qin masters as Mr. LIU Shan-jiao of the Mei-an school; Mr. MEI Yue-qiang of the GuangLing school, and Mr. WU Wen-guang of the China Conservatory. In 2002, Ms. YANG received her PhD in Ethnomusicology from the Chinese University of Hong Kong. YANG Chun-wei has won awards in numerous Qin and Chinese instrument competitions. In 2000—2001, she held solo Qin recitals in Hong Kong and Belgium, receiving wide acclaim for her performances. In 2002, invited by “The Song Company” (Australia), Ms. YANG participated in a series of concerts in Sydney inspired by the Chinese Seven Sages of the Bamboo Grove. In 2005, invited by “The Festival Autumn of Pairs”, she participated in the performing of “The Quickening” successfully. Currently, Ms. YANG teaches at the China Conservatory in Beijing. Building upon her musical influences, she has developed a personal style of Qin playing which conveys naturalness and simplicity. YANG Qiu-yue Born in 1975 in Zhenjiang, Jiangsu province, YANG Qiu-yue was exposed early on to traditional Chinese music through the members of her family. At the age of ten, she began to study the Qin. Ms. YANG’s teachers and mentors have included Mr. LIU Shan-jiao, Mr LIU Jing-shao of the Mei-an school; Mr. MEI Yue-qiang of the Guang-ling school, Mrs LIU-Li of the China Conservatory, and Mr LI Xiang-ting. In 2004, Ms. YANG received her Doctorate from the Central Conservatory in Beijing. YANG Qiu-yue has been awarded prizes in numerous Qin and Chinese instrument competitions. In 2002, at the invitation of the Singapore Chinese Orchestra, Ms. YANG took part in The Singapore International Music Festival, where she performed The Rhythm and Rhyme of Qin, and TaiJi and Boxing. Currently, Ms. YANG works at the Central Conservatory in Beijing. Combining the qualities of the Mei-an and Guang-ling schools of Qin, Ms. YANG’s unique style of playing is both tranquil and unassuming.
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1 有用 玄都校經 2021-10-25 15:15:43
0 有用 paji 2019-03-14 02:47:52
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0 有用 莫不歡喜 2018-11-05 20:52:15