Link Wray & The Wraymen 短评

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  • 0 helterskelter 2015-12-29 08:54:20


  • 0 yeyi_JazzPiano 2021-12-29 21:55:15

    8.0 Pitchfork - The 200 Best Albums of the 1960s #192

  • 0 16³ 2021-06-10 23:16:09

    1960年,收录了Rumble的升级版“Ramble”。Link Wray的手艺层次丰满到能让我同时感受到来自山谷,西部,沙滩的三种不同美利坚气息。“The album is also a charming family affair—brothers Vernon (rhythm guitar) and Doug (drums) were Wraymen.”

  • 0 Tiger 2017-10-11 13:04:04

    虽然是instrumental rock但还有着明显的的流行旋律,扫弦很爽,也有受到了blues的影响

  • 0 再见VU 2024-06-17 12:04:13 浙江

    “强力和弦”的创造者Link Wray,影响深远,The Who,Led Zeppelin 朋克的队都是从这里取经。这张是经典单曲和新歌的合集,原来你们之前就有这样的销售手段了哈哈哈

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