For best results, steal it (and my discography) and blast it through your own media player. Loudness normalization ruins everything. -- The bulk of the record is recordings from May 2023 to January 2024, which were finished between December 2024 and January 2025. I got distracted by writing and recording what became Tassel of Ares. "Gray Shovels" and “Edelwe...(展开全部) For best results, steal it (and my discography) and blast it through your own media player. Loudness normalization ruins everything. -- The bulk of the record is recordings from May 2023 to January 2024, which were finished between December 2024 and January 2025. I got distracted by writing and recording what became Tassel of Ares. "Gray Shovels" and “Edelweiss, My Love” are taken from Katartisis, recorded between April-August 2020. They are remixes (literally), not re-recordings. "The Fulcrum" heavily references "Amphiclasm" but is not a re-recording. All instruments and production by Jimmy Hamzey. For the one who still enters my dreams uninvitedly, and whose shadow I will never outrun. -- Anybody courageous interested in a run (besides tapes): -- Condensed shitpost you should ignore below: -- The reason for me taking the time to do all that was... that this anti-AI tool narrative being pushed, organically or otherwise, causes repercussions in terms of any possible label and media support, which causes repercussions for artists, which causes repercussions for the creative potential and overall quality of independent music. The death of the blogspot world and consolidation of the internet into 3 websites was catastrophic. The remaining margins have forced all of us except the most socially adept scene darlings to even narrower margins. The popular kids have effectively taken over the bar, and there's nowhere else to go. This is also related to a larger discussion over preemptive censorship and state control of media, which should enrage anybody, and which artists discuss amongst ourselves but not openly. The time for that discussion has come. Of course I am bitter and sick of releasing music in this atmosphere (I spend countless hours of very difficult work just to be further punished and shunned by people who are here for the wrong reasons), and am kicking myself for not starting earlier during infinitely more free, open-minded, and energetic times. The ecosystem in which independent music now lives is crippled, paralyzed by fear over anything that provokes even minor controversy. All label and media decisions reduce down to the lowest common denominator of what pisses listeners off, no matter how niche or unreasonable, and you are not allowed to explain your decisionmaking without being ridiculed. You are now just a "bad person," "cringe," and so on. I prefer what people called me in high school, because at least then it was easier to segregate myself from them. The stifling, uncreative, and oppressive atmosphere of the most elitist of local punk scenes has become the rule, not the exception. As a consequence, we are all forced to accept industry rules or risk being blacklisted everywhere and effectively release records from a bunker. That already happened to me, so I don't care about embarrassing myself. There's not much left to salvage. You can read the rest of my bullshit elsewhere, I'm sure it has been reposted. I also have copies of mailing lists in case I am forced to start my own site to host downloadable files for past and future releases, like acts for Death Grips or how Deepchord/cv313 has their own domain. Thank you for the support to my open-minded, actual listeners. I don't care how few in number you are. To the rest of you, I'd just like our bar back a couple nights a week. I don't know what a "marginal disk" or "Macarena bay" is, but we're listening to Deathconsciousness and Under a Funeral Moon tonight. You probably wouldn't get either of them. -JH
0 有用 IFC 2025-02-07 16:42:56 湖北
0 有用 IFC 2025-02-07 16:42:56 湖北