Night Palace by Mount Eerie (2xLP)PRE-ORDER release date: Nov.1st,2024 press release.Night Palace appears as a culmination oferas, arrived at after tumbling throughdecades of a tumultuous life andbuilding from scratch in the settled dustThe 26 track album is a palace of manyrooms, all welcoming, all varied. Thesongs stand vivid in their diamond sharpeloquence and ...(展开全部) Night Palace by Mount Eerie (2xLP)PRE-ORDER release date: Nov.1st,2024 press release.Night Palace appears as a culmination oferas, arrived at after tumbling throughdecades of a tumultuous life andbuilding from scratch in the settled dustThe 26 track album is a palace of manyrooms, all welcoming, all varied. Thesongs stand vivid in their diamond sharpeloquence and distorted feedback, butonly after traveling the album as a wholedo we find the door. The palace isdilapidated with moss dripping throughairy, bright and open. This is a return to the beloved deepanalog fuzz world of the Microphones'the Glow pt.2 (2001) and the manythickly embroidered Mount Eerieuniverses that have followed.Smashedtape, breathing air organs, cracklingtube amps and a welcome living realityjust outside the open window all entwineto push the definition of what's "home"and what's "studio" of what's a "song'and what's at the heart of the unmediated idea itself.
Phil Elverum的五年沉寂后首张专辑,仿佛是对他过去25年音乐生涯的升华,为早期的自我与声音找到了归处。 Phil Elverum’s的音乐,如同他近期在华盛顿原始森林中的创作环境,在后期作品中呈现出毁灭与新生的循环。他的音乐生涯经历了两次重大转折:2003 年,他将艺名从 The Mic...
4 有用 laoyannnnnn 2024-11-09 20:18:11 江苏
强烈建议Alex G和Baths在本张专辑中吸取些灵感写一些更流行的衍生品 每首歌都有新的尝试太好玩了 湖边小屋似的氛围感成为了把专辑穿起来的线索
0 有用 乔治洗衣机 2024-11-12 00:08:51 德国
很平和:学着与自我和解 并重新走向生活;demolition的时候窗外也开始下雨了
2 有用 m_fag 2024-12-07 14:34:30 广东
i spoke with a fish唱到fish said“NO”的时候我笑得四分五裂,fish be like🗿
6 有用 上哪范玉欣 2024-11-02 10:15:44 河北
0 有用 肥利普先生 2024-12-02 15:59:35 北京
0 有用 西门豆 2025-01-22 09:08:04 福建
0 有用 绿竹猗猗 2025-01-09 15:07:07 江西
0 有用 GHOUL 2025-01-19 22:47:04 江苏
0 有用 囧闹钟 2025-01-23 02:32:50 美国
0 有用 时青 2025-02-08 22:43:25 湖南