Night Palace by Mount Eerie (2xLP)PRE-ORDER release date: Nov.1st,2024 press release.Night Palace appears as a culmination oferas, arrived at after tumbling throughdecades of a tumultuous life andbuilding from scratch in the settled dustThe 26 track album is a palace of manyrooms, all welcoming, all varied. Thesongs stand vivid in their diamond sharpeloquence and ...(展开全部) Night Palace by Mount Eerie (2xLP)PRE-ORDER release date: Nov.1st,2024 press release.Night Palace appears as a culmination oferas, arrived at after tumbling throughdecades of a tumultuous life andbuilding from scratch in the settled dustThe 26 track album is a palace of manyrooms, all welcoming, all varied. Thesongs stand vivid in their diamond sharpeloquence and distorted feedback, butonly after traveling the album as a wholedo we find the door. The palace isdilapidated with moss dripping throughairy, bright and open. This is a return to the beloved deepanalog fuzz world of the Microphones'the Glow pt.2 (2001) and the manythickly embroidered Mount Eerieuniverses that have followed.Smashedtape, breathing air organs, cracklingtube amps and a welcome living realityjust outside the open window all entwineto push the definition of what's "home"and what's "studio" of what's a "song'and what's at the heart of the unmediated idea itself.
Phil Elverum的五年沉寂后首张专辑,仿佛是对他过去25年音乐生涯的升华,为早期的自我与声音找到了归处。 Phil Elverum’s的音乐,如同他近期在华盛顿原始森林中的创作环境,在后期作品中呈现出毁灭与新生的循环。他的音乐生涯经历了两次重大转折:2003 年,他将艺名从 The Mic...
2 有用 W.L.N 2024-11-07 18:54:15 广东
80/100 还是噪音下的经典去旋律民谣 但这样拼贴画或者手帐本一样的零食袋中 还要加入泼墨般的噪音去强行伪造蒙太奇其实是很刻奇的(尽管这可能是习惯使然) 其闪光点和hit之处有效射程的其实也难以形成无缝覆盖 隐忍中的爆发也随之受到影响变得不那么惊心动魄 我们当然需要诗人 但不是现在还在强行变换语境的结构现实主义音乐
0 有用 肥利普先生 2024-12-02 15:59:35 北京
4 有用 laoyannnnnn 2024-11-09 20:18:11 江苏
强烈建议Alex G和Baths在本张专辑中吸取些灵感写一些更流行的衍生品 每首歌都有新的尝试太好玩了 湖边小屋似的氛围感成为了把专辑穿起来的线索
0 有用 𝙎𝙥𝙖𝙧𝙠𝙮 | ✟ 2024-11-19 19:33:47 法国
0 有用 Maxdadictator 2024-11-22 16:49:36 北京
太伟大了 前所未有丰富的层次和肌理 accessible又坚决有力//突然感觉phil有一种美国式的对自然的理解 虽然在感官链接上可能有些贫乏单薄但能用智性热情和超脱自身达到链接的决心弥补
0 有用 撄宁 2024-12-15 09:04:01 广东
可能Now only就是巅峰了 ✂️:I saw another bird
0 有用 了不起的李女士 2024-12-19 21:47:01 江苏
0 有用 Vincent 2024-12-18 23:11:17 湖北
0 有用 豆友2qYS1B9SDY 2024-12-11 21:51:50 河北
强烈建议Alex G和Baths在本张专辑中吸取些灵感写一些更流行的衍生品
0 有用 早醒的呆毛 2024-12-14 04:37:39 美国