On August 6, 2024, Instagram account plottttwistttttt—which had posted various Drake-related pictures and videos in the past, and is possibly Drake’s burner account—posted three new Drake songs and set its bio link to a website called 100 Gigs For Your Headtop. The website, not widely known until then, included both embedded versions and download links for the three new track...(展开全部) On August 6, 2024, Instagram account plottttwistttttt—which had posted various Drake-related pictures and videos in the past, and is possibly Drake’s burner account—posted three new Drake songs and set its bio link to a website called 100 Gigs For Your Headtop. The website, not widely known until then, included both embedded versions and download links for the three new tracks and a variety of behind-the-scenes pictures and videos, the uploads dating back to July 4. The songs were soon removed from the Instagram account and the ability to download the site’s media was disabled, although the files remained embedded and possible to view and play. On August 10, 100 GIGS was officially released as a three-track single on streaming services. Despite the folder with the songs being at the top of the website, the Apple Music description reads: Sift through Drake’s data dump for three new songs—or hear them here.
0 有用 Kreuzberg 2024-08-13 21:01:44 北京
Blue green red和housekeeping 也是一副欠骂样,K Dot那句you’re not a colleague you’re a fucking colonizer真的骂得对
0 有用 NowhereSun 2024-08-12 23:13:22 澳大利亚
像是上专的压缩版,从装腔作势的硬核到最后的性玩笑atlanta bass,但越后的人声越难听
0 有用 NavyMilk 2024-10-02 23:59:56 上海
0 有用 编号606 2024-08-12 13:49:55 北京
0 有用 信。 2024-08-14 03:58:42 广东
三星半。Young Thug快出来吧,一开口就想摇😭 不得不说,https://100gigs.org/这个项目是挺有意思;不过这三首维持原判。
0 有用 NavyMilk 2024-10-02 23:59:56 上海
0 有用 TOOTOO_J 2024-10-22 12:38:00 北京
0 有用 Stefan 2024-08-30 00:12:59 广东
破防了但 先整三首边角料挽回些面子
0 有用 真素很chill 2024-08-17 17:26:22 上海
0 有用 hardeofficial 2024-09-23 15:14:09 四川