Danish Oh Land, aka 23 year old Nanna Øland Fabricius, is a promising new name on the progressive music scene. Her debut is impressive, not least because Nanna had never composed music until she began making her debut album Fauna. And yet she has programmed and arranged all elements on the album herself. With international names such as Thomas Knak, Kasper Bjørke, Peder and O...(展开全部) Danish Oh Land, aka 23 year old Nanna Øland Fabricius, is a promising new name on the progressive music scene. Her debut is impressive, not least because Nanna had never composed music until she began making her debut album Fauna. And yet she has programmed and arranged all elements on the album herself. With international names such as Thomas Knak, Kasper Bjørke, Peder and Ormen all playing a vital part of the record. All this has made world famous DJ Kjeld Tolstrup praise her obvious talents on national radio and several articles and blogs have named her "the one to watch" on the Danish music scene. About Oh Land When Nanna in 2004, then aged 19, finished her education at the Stockholm Ballet School a back injury put an abrupt end to her promising career as a ballerina. After having dedicated all her life to dancing Nanna now had to find a new goal in life. And her ear turned its attention towards music. Nanna grew up in a home filled with music – her mother was an opera singer associated to the Danish Royal Theatre and her father is an organist – so Nanna had a solid base to build her musical ambitions on. It is nonetheless awe inspiring that Nanna not only sings on Fauna, but also programmes her own beats, plays the piano, guitar and violin and samples everything from pots and pans to buzzing flies and her own voice. In this fashion, Nanna’s personal imprint is solidly embedded in all aspects of her ambitious soundscapes. About Fauna Nanna put her demos on Myspace under the name Oh Land and it didn’t take the professional music world long to find her. Kasper Bjørke (producer and DJ, eg. in Filur) contacted Oh Land and quickly signed her to the up-and-coming feinschmecker indie label Fake Diamond Records. And since then Nanna has worked on her debut with some of the most established Danish producers; Thomas Knak (People Press Play, System and Björk among others), Peder (award winning producer), Anders "Ormen" Christophersen (Melk) – and Kasper Bjørke himself. Furthermore, very prominent international guest musicians appear on Fauna: BenMo from the lauded Coco Rosie, the noted theramin player Dorit Chrysler and classical violinist and composer Davide Rossi (who has worked with names such as Brian Eno, The Verve, Goldfrapp and Coldplay) along with Nanna’s own mother, Bodil Øland. During the making of Fauna Oh Land has developed a striking visual live expression, containing elements such as owl costumes, choreography with umbrellas, a flowerfilled scenography and visuals made by successful Danish artist Eske Kath. 簡單翻譯: Danish Oh Land, 23歲, 首張專輯令人印象深刻在於: 不僅她在制作這張專輯前從來沒有寫過音樂, 而且這張專輯音樂元素的編程與編曲都由她親自完成. ryan說:完美的出道作品,2009年最大的驚喜. 期待cd的出版.
1 有用 ryan 2009-04-30 08:56:23
Genre: Indie Pop / Electronica Download: Click Here Linking To Other Site 标题模仿去年写的lykke那篇 这次Oh land的发音应该不会搞错了 笑~ 全名Nanna Øland Fabricius的Oh land 21岁大学毕业后 在23岁出版了这张全创作专辑 专辑介绍说她在这张专辑前 从来没有写过歌... Genre: Indie Pop / Electronica Download: Click Here Linking To Other Site 标题模仿去年写的lykke那篇 这次Oh land的发音应该不会搞错了 笑~ 全名Nanna Øland Fabricius的Oh land 21岁大学毕业后 在23岁出版了这张全创作专辑 专辑介绍说她在这张专辑前 从来没有写过歌 而且这张专辑所有的元素都由她创作 Nanna Øland Fabricius 23岁 第一感觉就让我想起了Lykke 是相同的那种冷调的灵感 不过相较Lykke那种幾近不插電的lo-fi风味 ohland则是首首带电 音乐合成器的电音成分更多更重 今年也特别喜欢Passion Pit / The Whitest Boy Alive / Dan Black / Innerpartysystem / PlayRadioPlay! 一系列的电音团 口味的转变让我立刻迷上这张Fauna Frostbite: 不知道男声是不是 Antony Hegarty? 全曲中出色渲染了冰冷的感觉 在8月的夏天听来都后背发凉 Koo Koo: 一首全人声演绎的小曲目 模仿小鸟Koo Koo的叫声 Audition Day: 上面说了两首能够体现全碟主要元素(冷调+合唱)的歌 再来说说碟内最喜欢的这首 曲调上应该是最有流行味道的一首 旋律流畅大气 intro部分的beatbox和电音相辅相成 在一分钟之内和音合唱弦乐全数上阵 副歌的judge me孤傲自信 转音辅以弦乐颇有一点异国色彩 3分半演唱结束 给人意犹未尽的感觉 副歌实在应该多重复两遍啊~ 要说不足的话 全碟的重复性颇高 好处是概念完整 风格统一 坏处是听觉疲劳 最后留下印象的歌曲不多 不过作为首次创作就全部自己DIY所展现出来的才华依然让人值得关注 Debut Rating: 10/10 完整版: http://vv.sophiany.com/2009-08-08-496 (展开)
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封面好喜感! oh land 扭起舞来也不错