Tenth album from the rock guitar virtuoso/former Poison guitarist. A return to his rock roots after performing with the jazz fusion supergroup Vertu. 11 tracks including the title track, 'Killin' Time', 'The Feelings Gone' & 'Some Voodoo'. 2000 release. Standard jewel case.
0 有用 Barry 2023-02-05 11:36:18 广东
0 有用 走丢的光怪陆离 2015-02-20 17:09:31
It Burns
0 有用 Over5 2012-01-07 03:21:19
Triple Funky Man
0 有用 Over5 2012-01-07 03:21:19
Triple Funky Man
0 有用 走丢的光怪陆离 2015-02-20 17:09:31
It Burns
0 有用 Barry 2023-02-05 11:36:18 广东