Nothing to do with the album, just wanna write down the journal under the name: Love Is Gone.
Summer is coming, but love is gone. We used to say that when summer comes, we will: hang out to the lake in a sunny sunny day, and have barbecue with friends by the lake as well. Now summer is coming, but we are not together any more. I am in the beautiful days crying out. I totally understand you, but I don't understand life. When you ended up the relationship, you said, you still loves me. That is the only gratifying words these days. I am used to being with you, I am used to your sweet, I don't know how to deal with the parting.
I know I have to move on, I know your decision is right, I know ending it up is better for both of us, it is just too hard....... I knew it wouldn't be easy, but I didn't expect this hard. I am feeling I lost a part of my life, a part of me....
Sweetheart, thanks for the wonderful relationship, thanks for the sweet moments, thanks for the days being together. I will be okay. I want you to be happy, all my best wishes for you. I love you.
Nothing to do with the album
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