"Artificial Bouquet" is an eleven song album by Frail Body. Produced, engineered, and recorded by Pete Grossmann at Bricktop Recording, and mastered by Jack Shirley at The Atomic Garden (Deafheaven, Joyce Manor, Loma Prieta). Opening track "Scaffolding" explodes out of the gate with dizzying speed before descending into a wash of discordant melody. "Berth" and "Critique...(展开全部) "Artificial Bouquet" is an eleven song album by Frail Body. Produced, engineered, and recorded by Pete Grossmann at Bricktop Recording, and mastered by Jack Shirley at The Atomic Garden (Deafheaven, Joyce Manor, Loma Prieta). Opening track "Scaffolding" explodes out of the gate with dizzying speed before descending into a wash of discordant melody. "Berth" and "Critique Programme" then inject pulse-pounding tempo shifts and unorthodox heavy riffing into the fray. "Devotion" plays as a stunning ebb and flow epic that shows method to their musical chaos. "Monolith" and "Refrain" then blur the lines between post-hardcore and melodic black metal in their frantic approach. These lead to "No Resolution" and "Runaway"; two slow build numbers that showcase the otherworldly dynamics Frail Body possess. "Horizon Line" follows this path as it builds to bone-shaking crescendo. Lastly "Another Year Removed" serves as an instrumental bridge to closer "A Capsule In The Sediment". A song that empties the emotional tank for all to bear witness. All of it so raw and beautifully out of control. Without question, "Artificial Bouquet" establishes Frail Body as leaders within the modern "screamo" movement. A shining example that the once dormant sub-genre continues to evolve and thrive for all the world to see.
0 有用 Poinçonneur 2024-04-18 10:03:38 广西
0 有用 Yurika 2024-04-15 17:25:56 湖北
0 有用 楊牧俑 2024-04-27 16:13:25 湖北
8.4,Screamo / Post-Metal
0 有用 ars 2024-03-29 21:10:33 广东
综合和今年Infant Island来看,screamo的尽头不会真的是blackgaze罢(汗…deafheaven腻害了多少人hh
0 有用 大傻狗 2024-04-05 01:50:37 英国
0 有用 Ramco 2025-01-01 18:35:11 上海
Scaffolding/Critique Programme/Monolith/Refrain/ 没前一张劲
1 有用 shadowbreak 2024-04-08 22:21:35 陕西
"Midwestern Screamo" 封面来自Converge主唱Jacob Bannon,设计风格与Converge和Chelsea Wolfe合作的"Bloodmoon: I"一脉相承。绝望痛苦的情绪与偏向post-的段落交织,并结合很多blackgaze成分。提前预定年度screamo一席之位。
0 有用 Zzz 2024-08-14 16:35:51 浙江
舒爽 尤其音色丝滑融合 不过亮点不够持续
0 有用 1111Can$ 2024-09-11 11:08:16 北京
完全没有上一张优秀,blast beat铺满的一张,感觉可听性少了很多
0 有用 银翼抄手 2024-03-29 15:46:21 广东