半个小时14首歌!封面丑的可以 Then Albini found a local band he could love, Naked Raygun. “I was convinced that I had seen the best band that had ever been,” says Albini. “I went to their shows religiously.”
半个小时14首歌!封面丑的可以 Then Albini found a local band he could love, Naked Raygun. “I was convinced that I had seen the best band that had ever been,” says Albini. “I went to their shows religiously.”
0 有用 羊男 2024-02-17 11:14:51 上海
0 有用 小松鼠菜奈 2025-01-02 17:15:00 江苏
是的 爵士假象!!!!再猛锤你一下
0 有用 2023-05-10 19:57:33 上海
半个小时14首歌!封面丑的可以 Then Albini found a local band he could love, Naked Raygun. “I was convinced that I had seen the best band that had ever been,” says Albini. “I went to their shows religiously.”
0 有用 老几林 2013-06-22 10:22:21
最近又想听美地了 之前一直以为这队是德州的。。
0 有用 银友雪 2024-11-30 15:16:09 北京
8.8 富有灵气与能量的硬核朋克,情绪饱满,riff好听
0 有用 小松鼠菜奈 2025-01-02 17:15:00 江苏
是的 爵士假象!!!!再猛锤你一下
0 有用 羊男 2024-02-17 11:14:51 上海
0 有用 飞贼老爷 2024-12-12 16:16:35 江苏
0 有用 Don't ask why 2025-01-13 10:17:10 湖北
好听疯了,把硬核朋克不讲逻辑的调式/和弦陈列与后朋克的极简思路结合起来(尤其是前半张),真是趣味无穷。。。关键是旋律也那么那么入耳!!怪不得albini喜欢。。。后面有两首还有点爵味,或许也进一步说明了d-beat跟double time swing的共通之处吧(什么
0 有用 2023-05-10 19:57:33 上海
半个小时14首歌!封面丑的可以 Then Albini found a local band he could love, Naked Raygun. “I was convinced that I had seen the best band that had ever been,” says Albini. “I went to their shows religiously.”