LINE welcomes Cindytalk! Cindytalk presents spaces between emotion and noise, a fluid experimental framework… a sonic world of duality. Their lasting love of discovery and deviation seeking “new pathways always being uncovered” continues to be expressed in their first album for LINE. ‘When the Moon is a Thread’ is part of that path in four parts but even more stri...(展开全部) LINE welcomes Cindytalk! Cindytalk presents spaces between emotion and noise, a fluid experimental framework… a sonic world of duality. Their lasting love of discovery and deviation seeking “new pathways always being uncovered” continues to be expressed in their first album for LINE. ‘When the Moon is a Thread’ is part of that path in four parts but even more stripped down, raw, delicate yet powerful and ominous. in winter's garden when the moon is a thread an insect sings... — Matsuo Bashō All tracks written and recorded by Cindytalk 2013-2023 Kobe, London & Glasgow. Many thanks to Richard at Line. cover image courtesy of NASA/GSFC/Arizona State University. - “I have always found Cindytalk’s work inspiring. ‘The Wind is Strong’ in particular, a soundtrack work from 1990, has a deep personal connection to me since my first listen and still resonates with me to this day. It was a key moment in my understanding of the use of layering of sound, noise, and music to create an encompassing narrative, yet non-linear emotional space. To me, Cindytalk represents the ability to shift between modes of sonic expression.” —Richard Chartier - Cindytalk is difficult to pin down… the mercurial, expressionist outlet of Scottish artist Cinder. Over the course of over four decades their work has been uncompromising. The work thrives on... chance and transformation, collaging elements of noise, balladry, soundtrack, catharsis, and improvisation. Cinder has been Cindytalk’s sole constant member since its inception in the early 1980s. CIndytalk was the evolution of their Edinburgh-based punk band The Freeze, launched upon moving to London and inspired by the crossroads of exploratory UK post-punk and early European industrial. Since then a desire to create "a pure music" has been their ultimate aim. A series of albums from ‘Camouflage Heart’ (1984) to ‘Wappinschaw’ (1995) on Midnight Music (UK) saw the group develop an often uncompromisingly dark, intense and poetic body of work, with Cinder’s vocals complemented by music which moved between industrial, post-punk, ambient and fully improvised, while directly connecting across disciplines to performance, film and other media. After these celebrated albums as well as collaborations with This Mortal Coil and Cocteau Twins, Cinder migrated to the United States, becoming involved with various underground techno collectives around the Midwest and West Coast. In 2003 the single ‘Transgender Warrior’ (Klanggalerie, Austria) engaged another shift and a formidable body of work developing into unique swooning, granular atmospheres. This sound expanded during Cinder’s time living in Japan into an acclaimed series of five solo and predominantly electronic albums on Editions Mego (Austria), from ‘The Crackle of My Soul’ (2009) to ‘The Labyrinth of the Straight Line’ (2016). Since 2016 Cinder has recorded collaborative works including with Michael Wollenhaupt (Ancient Methods) as In The Mouth Of The Wolf, and with Massimo Pupillo (Zu) as Becoming /// Animal. Most recently, ‘Of Ghosts and Buildings’ on Remodel (Japan) in 2021 and after returning to Scotland, ‘Subterminal’ in 2022 on False Walls (UK) continued Cinder’s integration of electronics with field recordings. 2022-2023 saw a long awaited series of back catalog reissues of Cindytalk’s albums from 1984-1995 reissued by DAIS Records (USA). Since 1995, Cindytalk has continued in both group and solo form, across performance and recordings, increasingly embracing improvisation and electronics in live settings at festivals around the world. more
0 有用 雨摇 2024-05-21 22:37:01 江西
这个项目还真有意思,80年代就组建了,起初是玩儿摇滚乐的,2000年之后开始专注于纯电子。乐队唯一不变的成员也就是早期的女主唱Cinder。从摇滚乐做到电子乐,更深入的声学音乐,到也不乏这类人,但是真的做得好的并不多。而CIndytalk这些年做得这几张我都非常喜欢,比如这张,也完全不是那种常规性的合成器电子,她所使用的声源素材难以琢磨,有浓郁的暗黑气息,有时候是那种密集、沸腾的高频静电云团在上方... 这个项目还真有意思,80年代就组建了,起初是玩儿摇滚乐的,2000年之后开始专注于纯电子。乐队唯一不变的成员也就是早期的女主唱Cinder。从摇滚乐做到电子乐,更深入的声学音乐,到也不乏这类人,但是真的做得好的并不多。而CIndytalk这些年做得这几张我都非常喜欢,比如这张,也完全不是那种常规性的合成器电子,她所使用的声源素材难以琢磨,有浓郁的暗黑气息,有时候是那种密集、沸腾的高频静电云团在上方涌动、相位变化并循环,还有类似于噪音的声波冲击,高频的撕裂声。前三首没有丝毫旋律,完全靠声音的组合层次来搭建氛围,最后一首出现了一些断断续续的旋律,也有点悲戚的感觉。这个音乐很“电”,相信氛围电子乐迷很好接受也很容易喜欢。我非常喜欢。 (展开)
0 有用 雨摇 2024-05-21 22:37:01 江西
这个项目还真有意思,80年代就组建了,起初是玩儿摇滚乐的,2000年之后开始专注于纯电子。乐队唯一不变的成员也就是早期的女主唱Cinder。从摇滚乐做到电子乐,更深入的声学音乐,到也不乏这类人,但是真的做得好的并不多。而CIndytalk这些年做得这几张我都非常喜欢,比如这张,也完全不是那种常规性的合成器电子,她所使用的声源素材难以琢磨,有浓郁的暗黑气息,有时候是那种密集、沸腾的高频静电云团在上方... 这个项目还真有意思,80年代就组建了,起初是玩儿摇滚乐的,2000年之后开始专注于纯电子。乐队唯一不变的成员也就是早期的女主唱Cinder。从摇滚乐做到电子乐,更深入的声学音乐,到也不乏这类人,但是真的做得好的并不多。而CIndytalk这些年做得这几张我都非常喜欢,比如这张,也完全不是那种常规性的合成器电子,她所使用的声源素材难以琢磨,有浓郁的暗黑气息,有时候是那种密集、沸腾的高频静电云团在上方涌动、相位变化并循环,还有类似于噪音的声波冲击,高频的撕裂声。前三首没有丝毫旋律,完全靠声音的组合层次来搭建氛围,最后一首出现了一些断断续续的旋律,也有点悲戚的感觉。这个音乐很“电”,相信氛围电子乐迷很好接受也很容易喜欢。我非常喜欢。 (展开)