Yay!! Big news! The new 2009 double-disc album "Earlier, Later" is set to release in the next couple months! I'm hoping to have it out this summer, but I need to presale about 200 copies before that happens. I'm reaching out to guys and asking for your help! Please Pre-Order as many things as you c...(展开全部) Yay!! Big news! The new 2009 double-disc album "Earlier, Later" is set to release in the next couple months! I'm hoping to have it out this summer, but I need to presale about 200 copies before that happens. I'm reaching out to guys and asking for your help! Please Pre-Order as many things as you can, as soon as you can! It will help me get this album out much faster.
《Lost My Doll》里最喜欢那句“It Has Gone,I Told”,我甚至可以想象得到歌手因为词穷而窘迫的样子。而词穷并不是说歌手遣词造句的能力有多差,而是对于过去的点点滴滴的确是无从说起。 这首歌说的意思其实很简单,描述的是自己对丢掉的一件孩童时期的洋娃娃的追忆,玩具模...
0 有用 朴九月 2009-09-07 19:02:45
0 有用 baichi0038 2010-03-11 23:40:33
0 有用 𝙎𝙥𝙖𝙧𝙠𝙮 | ✟ 2010-12-30 22:36:08
Mix CD,If I Had A Kite,You In A Coffin (Birthday Song),Hate Your Drug,A Beautiful World.....艹越写越多 都不错了。
0 有用 都是坏坏的坏人 2009-10-12 17:56:23
因为胖子被迫下的碟, 于10/12下午使我在5分钟内火速入睡,趴课桌上1小时未有动静
0 有用 IlTrovatore 2011-07-23 11:55:52
It has gone.I told.
0 有用 大懒鱼🐟 2022-05-16 23:37:06
0 有用 IRISL 2023-07-19 19:01:29 广东
0 有用 ֟咸鱼泡饭°º 2022-05-11 18:47:06
0 有用 n 2022-05-25 15:01:50
Lost My Doll/Paper Thin(补标)
0 有用 嗯哼 2024-05-09 21:24:48 广东