They released Fallen Angel (意難平) in 1989, the original Chinese title being taken from a line in Dream of the Red Chamber. The album was partially influenced by Spanish guitar melodies. The album lyrically contained varying themes such as "Love in the Time of Cholera (愛在瘟疫蔓延時)" which was a dedication to victims of AIDS. The album is also lauded for containing the song "Forget ...(展开全部) They released Fallen Angel (意難平) in 1989, the original Chinese title being taken from a line in Dream of the Red Chamber. The album was partially influenced by Spanish guitar melodies. The album lyrically contained varying themes such as "Love in the Time of Cholera (愛在瘟疫蔓延時)" which was a dedication to victims of AIDS. The album is also lauded for containing the song "Forget He Or She (忘記他是她)" the first song on the Hong Kong music scene to examine gender fluidity.
1 有用 ZUMAs 2023-04-25 23:48:38 河北
呵 说实话,我其实有点忘了,印象不深,不是最喜欢的一张,但TMP的先锋性一直可以满分的 忘记TA是TA 天花乱坠 尽在今夜
2 有用 MEMPOET 2024-07-22 02:37:38 四川
8.3/10 可以确定的是比「石头记」好听 前半张都很好 后半张现在听着是俗/过时了点 但是全专的songwriting都在线 所以使得这种现在听起来深受Synth Pop或者New Wave影响的音乐依然好听依然有价值
0 有用 SomeONoOEveryO 2023-04-13 20:15:49 上海
1 有用 宿命光锥 2024-10-04 21:00:24 浙江
1 有用 mui 2023-05-12 23:36:38 北京
0 有用 Ryan 2024-08-22 14:20:18 上海
0 有用 削月亮 2024-09-11 10:50:31 江西
0 有用 呆子 2024-09-14 18:51:48 广东
C 根本不是tmp的最佳
1 有用 紫曦 2024-08-22 00:22:21 美国
“意难平” was redefined in terms of affect, nerve, queer, and desire. 无疑位列HK pop小万神殿。最佳合成器使用。《忘记他是她》/《世纪末颜色》/《爱在瘟疫蔓延时》。
0 有用 Dept 2024-08-15 00:23:37 广东