"Happy Xmas (War Is Over)" is a Christmas song by John Lennon, Yoko Ono and the Plastic Ono Band. It was recorded in late October of 1971, and features soaring, heavily echoed vocals, and a sing-along chorus. The children singing in the background were from the Harlem Community Choir. This song was John Lennon's reaction to the war in Vietnam. Although the song is a pr...(展开全部) "Happy Xmas (War Is Over)" is a Christmas song by John Lennon, Yoko Ono and the Plastic Ono Band. It was recorded in late October of 1971, and features soaring, heavily echoed vocals, and a sing-along chorus. The children singing in the background were from the Harlem Community Choir. This song was John Lennon's reaction to the war in Vietnam. Although the song is a protest song about the Vietnam War, it has become a Christmas standard and has appeared on several Christmas albums.
0 有用 靈魂碎 2018-12-28 12:03:59
20181228周五12:03 不过圣诞,只听圣诞歌
0 有用 孤柏岩上的树 2020-12-08 02:59:55
又一年的圣诞~ 好久没听John的歌,一首Happy Xmas之后,2020年12月8日的傍晚,才看到南都周刊的文章《约翰·列侬的逝世40周年:永不消失的理想国》,40年前,几声枪响,在全世界激起了巨大的悲伤和回响,40年后,余波却愈发缥缈。主流媒体没有几篇文章,浮夸的流量比沉重的历史更重要,也许国外会不一样,但也许他所说的理想国终究是不存在了,亦或与他所想象得完全不同。... 又一年的圣诞~ 好久没听John的歌,一首Happy Xmas之后,2020年12月8日的傍晚,才看到南都周刊的文章《约翰·列侬的逝世40周年:永不消失的理想国》,40年前,几声枪响,在全世界激起了巨大的悲伤和回响,40年后,余波却愈发缥缈。主流媒体没有几篇文章,浮夸的流量比沉重的历史更重要,也许国外会不一样,但也许他所说的理想国终究是不存在了,亦或与他所想象得完全不同。但冥冥之中终究是有些东西的,可以不信,但并不代表不存在。就像很奇异的,我会在40年后的同一天听这首歌,也许无法认同他的理想国,却一样为这世界上最伟大的音乐感到悲伤。宇宙之中、时光之下,每个人都是沧海一粟,但有些人注定会一直发光,像遥远的星辰 (展开)
0 有用 Lunny 2021-12-17 22:08:58
War is over, if you want it.
0 有用 Spicy spy 2023-11-23 17:26:35 山东
1 有用 没品的牛 2013-12-24 13:16:08
War is over,merry Xmas.
0 有用 咸蛋黄汤圆 2021-01-25 17:04:51
0 有用 赵德柱 2020-12-25 00:29:58
经历了冬日的寒冷,黎明前的黑暗,终于迎来了黎明的第一束曙光一样。而你与光同行降临在我心上。war is over. My lover .
0 有用 EzioAuditoreXY 2022-12-24 06:02:40 中国台湾
And so this Christmas And what have we done
0 有用 chasthfeeling 2024-04-17 18:43:48 重庆
0 有用 Ulyssēs如是说 2023-12-24 13:26:51 福建
The road is so long🎄