Karen Fairchild and Kimberly Schlapman lived down the hall from each other one year at Samford University, a smaller college located in the suburbs of Birmingham, Alabama. It was a formative few years, and to this day, Fairchild still remembers how she and Schlapman would blast records by The Judds over a speaker in their nearly too hot, un-air-conditioned dorm.
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All Summer (Karen Fairchild, Sarah Buxton, Madi Diaz, Ashley Ray, Savana Santos, Alysa Vanderheym)
Better Love (Karen Fairchild, Jimi Westbrook, Tofer Brown, Audra Mae)
0 有用 翡冷翠的晚祷⚜ 2022-09-26 12:13:20 上海
0 有用 Jonathan 2022-09-20 11:35:59 北京
0 有用 小伦 2023-03-22 17:27:20 浙江
2.5 这专好糊,发行之后一点水花都没有。 “I know it sounds cliche” So do we. Cut:5
2 有用 abbreviation 2022-09-21 09:04:36 重庆
three whiskeys and the truth
0 有用 huh 2022-10-22 23:28:51 上海
3.5 說不上什麼很好的鄉村作品吧,但總體上聽感不錯,雖然也沒有幾首很戳我
0 有用 Katje 2023-03-17 15:59:37 中国台湾
为啥是民谣,明明是乡村呀🤔️ run了很多遍,旋律还是那么难记住啊~
2 有用 abbreviation 2022-09-21 09:04:36 重庆
three whiskeys and the truth
0 有用 (´・_・`) 2023-01-30 19:30:02 广东
很喜欢这张专辑,summer sadness软着陆,温柔如夹着栀子花香的微风。有几首歌的歌词真的很棒,专辑中还有类似70年代的复古流行,听起来很像乡村版Kylie Minogue。
0 有用 Jonathan 2022-09-20 11:35:59 北京
0 有用 小伦 2023-03-22 17:27:20 浙江
2.5 这专好糊,发行之后一点水花都没有。 “I know it sounds cliche” So do we. Cut:5