The debut release from Form Hunter, a duo that comprises S. Aune (Breaking the Will, Kjostad) and W. Czerkies (Sunken Cheek, Goddaughter). Everything pushed defiantly into the red, pummeling scrap metal, mangled electronics, blasting tape hiss and shredded eardrums. Grinding you into the dirt, cutting to the bone with a r...(展开全部) The debut release from Form Hunter, a duo that comprises S. Aune (Breaking the Will, Kjostad) and W. Czerkies (Sunken Cheek, Goddaughter). Everything pushed defiantly into the red, pummeling scrap metal, mangled electronics, blasting tape hiss and shredded eardrums. Grinding you into the dirt, cutting to the bone with a rusty hacksaw, a reminder that noise feels best when it hurts. The first salvo, recorded at Noise Widow farms, for those forever chasing the euphoria only harsh noise can provide.