Jazz Ishmael Butler (born October 3, 1995), professionally known as Lil Tracy, is an American rapper and singer. He was also known under the name Yung Bruh during the beginning of his career.
“a cosmic synthesis of EDM, emo rap, and cutesy pop refrains.”。“It Is What It Is”rage起来!(他爹是Ishmael Reginald Butler “Digable Planets”和“Shabazz Palaces”的成员,离谱!)Light7
“a cosmic synthesis of EDM, emo rap, and cutesy pop refrains.”。“It Is What It Is”rage起来!(他爹是Ishmael Reginald Butler “Digable Planets”和“Shabazz Palaces”的成员,离谱!)Light7
0 有用 真汁甘蔗 2022-07-07 21:57:38
0 有用 那卡屎马 2022-07-22 12:09:50
别人不懂你 我懂你 西哥
0 有用 Cactus _jks 2023-04-11 18:16:25 福建
“a cosmic synthesis of EDM, emo rap, and cutesy pop refrains.”。“It Is What It Is”rage起来!(他爹是Ishmael Reginald Butler “Digable Planets”和“Shabazz Palaces”的成员,离谱!)Light7
0 有用 LilTracy 2023-01-28 08:29:53 四川
0 有用 wheredowego 2022-07-18 23:22:09
0 有用 nerdyme 2022-09-13 20:40:41 四川
0 有用 那卡屎马 2022-07-22 12:09:50
别人不懂你 我懂你 西哥
0 有用 babe不同步 2022-07-08 20:25:32
0 有用 Cactus _jks 2023-04-11 18:16:25 福建
“a cosmic synthesis of EDM, emo rap, and cutesy pop refrains.”。“It Is What It Is”rage起来!(他爹是Ishmael Reginald Butler “Digable Planets”和“Shabazz Palaces”的成员,离谱!)Light7
0 有用 wheredowego 2022-07-18 23:22:09