The ethereal sounds on OTHER mark a moment of truth for Lim Giong. Compared to his sporadic "phantom persona" put together by media over the years, this work spontaneously coming out of his personal "psychological state and imagination", is more representative of the real Lim Giong today. The ex-pop singer, who left the entertainment world at the peak of his career, has...(展开全部) The ethereal sounds on OTHER mark a moment of truth for Lim Giong. Compared to his sporadic "phantom persona" put together by media over the years, this work spontaneously coming out of his personal "psychological state and imagination", is more representative of the real Lim Giong today. The ex-pop singer, who left the entertainment world at the peak of his career, has long since changed course to become a low-key producer behind the scenes. In recent years, he has become a "music worker", frequently painting his musical brushstrokes on the cinematic worlds of directors such as Hou Hsiao-hsien, Jia Zhang-ke. Although carrying a similar aura of subtlety, the 3 tracks of OTHER are distinctive from the OSTs Lim composed for films - here, he expresses with a free state of mind, using the simplest ways to depict the most profound, which he experienced when surrounded by the earthy and floral scents in the great outdoor. 《別樣》的輕盈電子聲響並不完全虛幻。相比媒體常年間零星拼湊出的 「身外幻影」,這樣一部自發於個人 「心理狀態和想象力」 的作品更能代表如今真實的林強。 這位當年毅然離開娛樂世界的歌手,早已轉換航道成為帷幕後低調的製作人。近年來他以 「樂工」... 自居,頻繁為侯孝賢、賈樟柯、畢贛等導演的影畫世界塗抹上自己的音樂筆觸。而《別樣》的三首曲目雖帶著同樣靈氣,卻終究有別於為 「他人做嫁衣」 的配樂。看盡螢幕上下浮生掠影,林強在抒發自在心境時放下 「我執」,淺淺著力,用大道至簡的智慧在電子信號間只吐納天地花草的氣息。
0 有用 secretowner 2022-03-29 09:17:12
1 有用 克里梅特 2022-05-06 14:08:17
220506 我聽林強:他好厲害;也是我聽林強:他在幹嘛。我聽林強:這是第二首了嗎?喔還是第一首;也是我聽林強:這張放完了嗎?喔已經在放第三遍了。
0 有用 宇宙未曷 2022-03-30 21:15:46
6 有用 1806 2022-03-26 00:41:35
“水波石”的拟人声和“月游”极其随机性的节拍所呈现出的柔韧质感是非常chill的。当脱离了电影配乐和滚石流行歌手的匠人身份后,这张ep最大的精妙之处,在于采样了部分舞曲音色和鼓点本来的“重”,去勾勒出忘我状态下卸下心防后的“轻”。这种Be water平静下的以柔克刚与四两拨千斤,林强的真材实料可不只是嘴上说说
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好细腻 潺潺流水
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