'Remember Rainbow Bridge’, the new album by Croatian Amor, is a homage to youth and the delicate metamorphosis that occurs as childhood trips into maturity. Focused on this tender flux, the songs on 'Remember Rainbow Bridge' are infused with the restless energy of adolescence and a dawning sense of mortality. From the sun-kissed title track, to the night burn and wet pavement...(展开全部) 'Remember Rainbow Bridge’, the new album by Croatian Amor, is a homage to youth and the delicate metamorphosis that occurs as childhood trips into maturity. Focused on this tender flux, the songs on 'Remember Rainbow Bridge' are infused with the restless energy of adolescence and a dawning sense of mortality. From the sun-kissed title track, to the night burn and wet pavement of ‘Paper Birds’, monumental highs are shuffled with great lows that we perhaps feel most clearly and earnestly in those formative years. Since the earliest collages committed to tape under the name of Croatian Amor, Loke Rahbek's alias has at every step gravitated towards constant discovery and experimentation. The sound collages are still present while the unity of each song's construction now often conceals the juxtapositions and overlapping edges. Employing a medley of diffuse electronic music traditions, fantastical synthetic worlds are evoked and while ‘Remember Rainbow Bridge’ heavily relies on rhythmic structures to propel the compositions, Croatian Amor continues to tend a highly textured field in his own inimitable way. 'Remember Rainbow Bridge' is a celebration of the liminal space between phases of life, the chrysalis of youth. It is a... record about coming to terms with our ever-changing place in the world, its title urging us to see the world with a child’s eye, to never forget the miraculous at play only an arm’s-length away. “This world as we see it is passing away” Posh Isolation 270
0 有用 aslater 2022-03-26 10:52:33
呵呵 第二首是真好听
0 有用 wh1bby 2022-03-25 08:00:19
0 有用 构思谬克 2022-03-09 11:13:54
2 有用 akeyrota 2022-03-26 19:29:41
Croatian有学习吸收并化为己用的实践精神而不是一味模仿Burial。仿佛穿梭于丘陵与谷流间的云雾迷蒙、霓虹与黑夜在热岛城市上的不均折射,是未来这一冰冷词汇在如林间山风神出鬼没的踪迹里另一层伪装,神游太虚出于古迹但与「Ambient Trance」的理想化聆听过程中所感不谋而合。这张专辑恰恰满足使我愿意服从理想化聆听过程的充分条件。
0 有用 queniiee 2023-06-01 15:16:29 上海
remember rainbow bridge/ so long morningstar
0 有用 山大 2022-04-10 06:40:58
So long Morningstar
0 有用 比特斯威特 2022-08-10 22:30:04
Remember Rainbow Bridge / Cup of Humanity / So Long Morningstar 听完体感下降3度
0 有用 emomo 2022-04-19 22:57:41
Remember Rainbow Bridge
0 有用 Pincent 2022-04-29 11:18:05
0 有用 恢恑谲怪 2024-03-11 21:40:57 安徽