The Norwegian artist presents her most unified mind-body work to date, melody-filled art-pop that deals with the nature of self and the freedom of the unconscious.
Jenny: I had these attempts at more percussive acoustic arrangements with tabla and stuff that I’d tried years ago, and it inspired my way of looking at building kits of different percussion on top of...Jenny: I had these attempts at more percussive acoustic arrangements with tabla and stuff that I’d tried years ago, and it inspired my way of looking at building kits of different percussion on top of each other and building further arrangements from there.(展开)
0 有用 TristanShen 2022-03-19 21:21:09
1 有用 Faceless Man 2022-03-17 08:51:15
0 有用 春原百濑momo酱 2023-02-07 13:16:02 上海
2 有用 逸者路加🇵🇸 2022-03-17 23:29:38
8- 与其说折衷主义,不如说是她最圆融的一张。Jenny Hval从早期的暴力美学与官能刺激开始,经过近年玄奥高深的风格转向,终于实现了朴素的安和。哪怕Year of Love这样血统纯正的ska也相当轻盈自如。cut:5/2/4
10 有用 Rae 2022-03-11 13:20:38
Jenny: I had these attempts at more percussive acoustic arrangements with tabla and stuff that I’d tried years ago, and it inspired my way of looking at building kits of different percussion on top of... Jenny: I had these attempts at more percussive acoustic arrangements with tabla and stuff that I’d tried years ago, and it inspired my way of looking at building kits of different percussion on top of each other and building further arrangements from there. (展开)
0 有用 Audrey 2024-08-30 21:36:59 上海
一股不喜欢的怪味溢出,又是你4AD🫠🫠 // 越想越气,怎么能这样啊,怎么能这样啊
0 有用 马布塔 2024-05-26 19:48:20 浙江
4AD把我妈害了 这张还不如雷帝佳佳的artpop 冗余的民族乐器媚俗味十足 人声混响失去空间感变得粘腻 跟一些土逼后摇背景结合起来导致同名曲成为史上最难听的挪威人歌曲 我认为我妈不应该和自己的吉他和合成器之外的任何土逼乐器搭伙 傻笔4AD不要再往我妈录音室里送装比乐手了
0 有用 长滩麦克 2023-04-02 09:03:12 辽宁
0 有用 John 2024-08-03 17:31:28 北京
0 有用 hazarsamek 2023-06-06 00:08:59 英国